Kyle Reardon: profile on youth

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by Craig Summerfield – 

In a world where teens and young adults often struggle to find themselves and Jesus Christ, it is my pleasure to write about a young man who has both of these issues well in hand.

Kyle Reardon, a senior at Shorewood High School, Wash., and a soldier at the Seattle Temple Corps, is an amazing and Godly person who is not afraid to share his faith in any situation. While a student at Columbine High School in Colorado (yes that Columbine), Kyle occasionally wore his uniform to school as a witnessing tool.

Kyle is an honor student and member of both the school band and student government. He is also a member of the drama club and has been involved in a number of productions, the latest being The Importance of Being Earnest. Kyle has been accepted to the University of Washington and will begin classes there in the fall.

Kyle conducts a home Bible study program for teens as a member of the Vanguard program, an evangelistic outreach program of the Northwest Division Youth Department. He plays the trombone in the corps’ senior band.

Kyle has a great sense of humor, which is apparent in any conversation with him. He has a passion and talent for filmmaking, which he tapped into as the media specialist at Camp Arnold last summer; he will be doing the same this summer.

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