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Keep in touch with the West’s officers serving out of territory

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Send holiday greetings. Missing the Western Territory officers who are serving out of the territory? Here’s where you can send holiday greetings to them.

Captains Gene and Martha Apuan
Koto Corps Officers, Japan Territory

4-11-3 Taihei
Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0012

Email: Genesis_Apuan@jap.salvationarmy.org


Majors George and Jeanne Baker
South and Mid Wales Divisional Leaders, United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory

67 Picca Close
Culverhouse Cross, Cardiff
CF5 6XR–United Kingdom

Email: George.Baker@salvationarmy.org.uk


Lts. Jennifer and Ryan Bearchell
Turin Corps Officers, Italy and Greece Command

Via Principe Tommaso, 8c
10125 Torino TO, Italy

Email: jennifer.bearchell@esercitodellasalvezza.org


Captains Kimberly and Tim Brown
South Burnett Region Corps Officers, South Burnett Region

40 Bottlebrush St.
Kingaroy, QLD 4610

Email: kim.brown@aue.salvationarmy.org


Colonels Man-Hee and Stephanie Chang
Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Korea Territory

The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters
Central P.O. Box 1192
Seoul, 04519
Republic of Korea

Email: man-hee_chang@kor.salvationarmy.org


Majors Randall and Sheryl Clarke
Bedlington Corps Officers, United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory

69 The Wynding
NE22 6HW–United Kingdom

Email: Randall.Clarke@salvationarmy.org.uk


Lt. Colonels Douglas and Verónica Danielson
Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Brazil Territory

Exército de Salvação
Rua Juá 264
Bosque da Saúde
04138-021 São Paulo –SP

Email: Douglas_Danielson@bra.salvationarmy.org


Majors Francisco and Irma Flores
Patricios Corps Officers, Buenos Aires Division, South America East Territory

Ejército de Salvación
Juan de Garay 2855
Buenos Aires, Argentina 1256

Email: francisco.flores@sae.salvationarmy.org


Lt. Colonels Cynthia and Timothy Foley
National Treasurer and National Secretary for Business Administration; National Secretary for Program and Editor-in-Chief, National Headquarters

615 Slaters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22313-0269

Email: Cindy.Foley@usn.salvationarmy.org


Majors Mark and Vicki Gilden
Edinburgh Gorgie Corps Officers, United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory

15 Eltringham Gardens
Edinburgh, Scotland
EH14 1SF–United Kingdom

Email: Mark.Gilden@salvationarmy.org.uk


Majors Lex and Patrica Giron
Kansas City Blue Valley Corps Officers, Central Territory

6904 T Gabbert Dr.
Pleasant Valley, MO 64068

Email: Lex.Giron@usc.salvationarmy.org


Major Lourdes Griffith
Assistant Officer for Projects, Brazil Territory

Exército de Salvação
Rua Juá, no 264, Apartamento 105b
Bosque da Saúde
São Paulo–SP  04138-020

Email: Lourdes_Griffith@BRA.salvationarmy.org


Majors Joel and Rhonda Harmon
St. Catharines Corps Officers, Ontario Great Lakes Division, Canada and Bermuda Territory

3 Amberwood Court
St. Catharines, ON L2N 7E1

Email: Joel_Harmon@can.salvationarmy.org


Major Erica Helton
Personal Assistant to World President and World Secretary for Women’s Ministries, International Headquarters

2 Courts Downs Road–14 Cambria
Beckenham, Kent BR3 6TF
United Kingdom

Email: Erica_Helton@salvationarmy.org


Colonels Edward and Shelley Hill
Chief Secretary, Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Canada and Bermuda Territory

The Salvation Army
2 Overlea Blvd.
Toronto, ON  M4H 1P4

Email: Edward_Hill@can.salvationarmy.org


Colonels Debbie and Ted Horwood
Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Territorial Commander, Brazil Territory 

Exército de Salvação
Rua Juá 264
Bosque da Saúde
04138-021 São Paulo–SP

Email: Debbie_Horwood@bra.salvationarmy.org


Commissioners David and Sharron Hudson
National Commander, National President of Women’s Ministries, USA

615 Slaters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22313-0269

Email: David.Hudson@usn.salvationarmy.org


Majors Charity and Premak Kramerius
Prague Corps Officer, Regional Director for Administration and Communication Czech and Slovak Republic and Prague Social Services Chaplain—Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory

Slunecni namesti 4
Praha 13, 158 00
Czech Republic

Email: Charity_Kramerius@czh.salvationarmy.org


Colonels Rose-Marie and Victor Leslie
Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Territorial Commander, Nigeria Territory 

The Salvation Army
6 Shipeolu St.–Onipanu
Shomolu, Lagos

Email: Rose-Marie_Leslie@nig.salvationarmy.org


Majors Beverley and James Lloyd
Stowmarket Corps Officers, United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory

30 Wordsworth Road
Stowmarket, Suffolk
IP14 1TT–United Kingdom

Email: Beverley.Lloyd@salvationarmy.org.uk


Majors Kelley Buckbee-Lutcher and Michael Lutcher
Schenectady (New York) Corps Officers, Eastern Territory

507 Tony Dr.
Rotterdam, NY 12306

Email: Kelley.Buckbee-Lutcher@use.salvationarmy.org


Majors Anthony and Jessica Markiewicz
Administrator and Assistant Administrator, Variety Village, Kenya East Territory

The Salvation Army
Variety Village
PO Box 1472
Thika, Kenya

Email: anthony.markiewicz@kya.salvationarmy.org


Lt. Colonel Allie Niles
Assistant to the Chief Secretary, National Headquarters, USA

615 Slaters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22313-0269

Email: Allie.Niles@usn.salvationarmy.org


Lts. Jessica and Kelsey Pierce
Leamington Spa Corps Officers, United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory

137 Greenwood Ct.
Upper Holly Walk
Leamington Spa CV32 4JY
United Kingdom

Email: Jessica.Pearce@salvationarmy.org.uk


Major Harryette Raihl
Riga 1 Corps Officer, Sweden and Latvia Territory

Bruninieku iela  10A
LV 1001 Riga–Latvia

Email: harryette.raihl@fralsningsarmen.se


Lt. Sara Ray
Spiritual Life Coordinator, Evangeline Booth Lodge, Central Territory

700 W. Brompton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657


Majors John and Katherine Reed
Tampa ARC Administrator, Director of Special Services, Southern Territory

19307 Simplicity Place
Lutz, FL 33558

Email: John.Reed@uss.salvationarmy.org


Captains Reyna and Sidney Salcido
Vilnius (Lithuania) Corps Officers, Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory

Medžiotojų g. 26
Vilnius 10220

Email: reyna.salcido@heilsarmee.de


Majors Karen and Robert Schmig
Scranton Citadel Corps Officers, Eastern Territory

305 Tulip Circle
Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Email: Karen.Schmig@use.salvationarmy.org


Majors Angela and Derek Strickland
Editor–The Year Book, Programme Resources Department; International Auditor, Business Administration Departmentt—International Headquarters 

97 Pickhurst Rise
West Wickham, Kent BR4 0AE
United Kingdom

Email: Angela_Strickland@salvationarmy.org


Majors Eugenia and Hendrik Sumter
Freeport Corps Officers, Caribbean Territory

The Salvation Army
P O Box F-44287
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island

Email: Eugenia_Sumter@CAR.salvationarmy.org


Captains Eric and Jasiel Tumale
Regional Commander (Designate) and Regional President of Women’s Ministries (Designate), Middle East Region

Marina Crown
Block 7 Street 77 Flat #24
Salmiya, Kuwait

Email: Eric_Tumale@mde.salvationarmy.org


Majors Melissa and Roberto Viquez
Minneapolis Temple Corps Officers, Central Territory

4860 Erickson Dr.
New Hope, MN 55428-4449

Email: Melissa_Viquez@usc.salvationarmy.org


Majors Janene and Michael Zielinski
Assistant Secretary for Personnel, Secretary for Business Administration, Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Territory

The Salvation Army
20 Bishan St 22
Singapore 579768

Email: Janene_Zielinski@smm.salvationarmy.org

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