Juneau Salvation Army participates in Paper Plate Campaign

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PaperPlate05Joining other food providers to help raise awareness of hunger in Alaska, The Salvation Army Juneau Corps, led by Lts. Lance and Dana Walters, participated in the Paper Plate Campaign, at the suggestion of the Alaska Food Coalition (AFC).

Clients at the Juneau Salvation Army food pantry discovered paper plates and markers–and the opportunity to express themselves.

“I asked people who came for assistance to write down what it is like to be hungry,” Dana Walters said, “why they use our food bank and what they might like their legislators to know about hunger.”

Walters sent the plates to AFC, which displayed them with those from other agencies. Photos are available at the coalition’s Facebook page.

In conjunction with Feeding America, AFC encouraged food providers to take part in the Paper Plate Campaign during September, which was Hunger Action Month.

The AFC is a statewide group of roughly 100 nonprofit organizations and state agencies focusing on hunger and food insecurity in Alaska.

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