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The Western Territory’s magazine featuring the holistic social services of The Salvation Army worldwide recently released its summer 2009 issue. With a theme of “Staying Afloat,” the issue focuses on the current global economy and its impact on The Salvation Army in an effort to engage people in considering how to be fiscally responsible without hurting our mission.

A special article features the collective perspectives of the Army’s national and territorial leadership on this topic. In another, the International Secretary for Business Administration shares her thoughts on the Army’s International Self Denial Fund.

In addition, this issue includes an update on the 29 planned Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Centers throughout the United States, five of which are currently operating with a number of others under construction.

Before its launch, the summer edition pre-sold roughly 1,100 copies to development departments throughout the country.

“We now distribute each edition to a select group of our top donors and the response and feedback has been outstanding,” said Ed Covert, senior financial development director in the Southern California Division. “I am particularly grateful for your presentation of the Army’s impact on critical social issues that are of concern to our donors. Because you write with pride and passion about the work of the Army, I have a great resource to use in our efforts to cultivate relationships with donors.”

The magazine
Caring is a 48-page, high-gloss finish magazine printed quarterly out of the West’s New Frontier Publications. We strive to find stories of human goodness, practical assistance and love, and display the Army’s outreach with a language and feel that anyone can relate to—Salvationist or not.

Caring mails internationally to Salvation Army members, employees, social service centers, beneficiaries, advisory organization members, legislators and community leaders.

“I believe Caring provides a compelling look into the Army’s incredibly diverse services to people in need,” said Major Edward Hill, Hawaiian and Pacific Islands divisional commander. “In fact, there is no better publication I am aware of that inspires, promotes and educates on the Army’s sacred mission of ‘Heart to God, Hand to man.’ Caring ought to be read by every officer, soldier and advisory board member.”

Mosaic ministry
The fall 2009 issue, exploring the Army’s multicultural and multifaceted outreach, will be released in August.
Make sure your name is on the mailing list. Contact us for subscription, advertising or submission information at caring@usw.salvationarmy.org.

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