“Hand up” for the homeless

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Metro Denver expands transitional housing services.

by Roger Miller –

In keeping with its tradition of providing “a hand up, rather than a hand out,” the Metro Denver Salvation Army announced a plan to direct its homeless resources towards the expansion of its transitional housing programs. The Salvation Army transitional housing curriculum provides a program for those homeless individuals who desire to change their lives to become self-sufficient again.

The plan will allow the Army to focus all of its homeless program efforts on transitional housing. Currently, Crossroads Center operates as an overnight shelter for men, a survival shelter during times of declared emergencies and transitional housing facility for men.

“We will be hiring more case managers for the transitional housing program,” explains Captain Ron McKinney, Salvation Army Metro Denver Coordinator. “One of the best ways to help people escape homelessness is through effective counseling and case management. We believe that this is the right time to direct our resources where they can do the most good for these homeless men. We will not be closing Crossroads,” he added. “We will be enhancing our existing homeless services at that facility.”

The Salvation Army will continue to provide “survival services” through the emergency disaster services program and in partnership with other agencies during extreme weather conditions and other declared disasters.

Crossroads Center first opened in 1983 as an emergency survival shelter for homeless men. It has since expanded its role to include search and rescue operations during extreme winter weather conditions as well as transitional housing for men wishing to become self-sufficient and end their life of homelessness.

This expansion of the transitional housing program at Crossroads supports the city of Denver’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness. Currently, The Salvation Army in Denver operates a transitional housing facility for families, an Adult Rehabilitation Center for men and women with alcohol and drug addictions and a relapse prevention program at Harbor Light.

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