God is changing lives in Anaheim

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Red Shield ministry key to corps growth.


Youth in Anaheim, Calif., are finding a safe haven at the Army’s Anaheim Red Shield Corps, as the corps’ programs and activities grow.

Recently, 115 attended the Sunday holiness meeting, up from 35 a few years ago. During the service, four junior soldiers were enrolled, seven seekers came forward and, according to Corps Officer Captain Beverly Lloyd, “Our singing company of six sang fervently. God is active, alive and changing lives in Anaheim.”

Lloyd, who serves with her husband, Captain James Lloyd, notes the corps’ youth ministry is making a significant difference in young lives.

“Kirsten and Cheyenne came through the Red Shield and their mom was a bell ringer this year. Dad, [in prison], has been gone since they were little. Grandma, who cares for them, says that the girls would have nothing if it were not for The Salvation Army,” said Lloyd.

The girls also attend Girl Guards and their mom used the money she earned standing kettle to buy their Christmas gifts. This summer they were at camp for every camp, thanks to generous donors from the corps.

“The girls called me on my cell phone to say that they had got their uniforms from the thrift store and now they looked like Captain Beverly!” Lloyd said.

Charente comes from a single parent home. Also from the Red Shield, Captain Beverly Lloyd shopped for her uniform after Charente gave her a list of the clothes she wished she could wear on a Sunday. After coming in ripped dresses, Charente proudly wore full uniform.

“The Red Shield ministry is vital and grows our corps,” commented Lloyd. “It grows God’s Kingdom and the Army present and future. It gives kids without hope a place to belong. It gives Charente, Cheyenne and Kirsten a heavenly father.”

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