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Foodland supports Army in Hawaii

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“Give Aloha” campaign runs through September.

Throughout the month of September, Foodland stores across Hawaii conducted the annual “Give Aloha” campaign, which allowed customers to donate up to $249 to charities, including The Salvation Army, at any checkstand of Foodland, Sack N Save and Foodland Farms.

“It is a broad-based opportunity for the community to support The Salvation Army and other charities in Hawaii, raising over $1 million a year,” said Ron Sauder, development director for the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division.

The campaign is an annual charitable effort available to all Hawaii non-profit organizations. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match each donation up to $350,000. The matching gift is divided proportionally among the participating organizations.

“The money [will be] used to support food pantries throughout the state to help alleviate the high percentage of food insecure families in Hawaii,” Sauder said.

The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division received $8,000 over the last two years, and has been supported by the “Give Aloha” campaign since its start in 1999.

“Foodland is a highly recognized philanthropic company in Hawaii,” Sauder said. “The Salvation Army is fortunate to have received over $100,000 in gifts facilitated and matched by Foodland.”


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