by Richard Clark – Jr. Soldier Sergeant/Explorer Leader –
Labor Day weekend marked the Eureka Corps’ first family camp, which was held at the local Boy Scout camp. Approximately 50 people attended the event, which was planned and coordinated by the corps’ youth group, the Venture Crew.
The theme was unity: unity with our families, friends, other Christians and, most importantly, with God; the days were filled with team-building games and more.
One of the most memorable times was when our corps officer, Captain Ramon Ocaño asked us to gather around a blazing campfire; as he spoke to us, he encouraged us to stop thinking about ourselves and start focusing on the Great Commission. Many people think that it is the corps officer’s job to build the church, but it’s not—it’s the responsibility of the members. When we get this right, we allow God to move in a mighty way. We immediately saw an increase in attendance and spiritual growth in the lives of individuals.
The weekend was filled with great fellowship, volleyball, softball, movies, worship, and delicious food. If you ever want to see what an Acts 2 church looks like, you need to see the Eureka Corps.