Relentless dedication to the Army.
Jackie Humes
The Eugene (Ore.) Citadel Corps is home to servant leader Jackie Humes, who has served as Home League Secretary for 12 years in the Cascade Division.
“Anything that goes on in the corps, Jackie involves herself in any way she can,” said Corps Officer Major Florence Murray. “She is like the backbone of the corps and an individual that, I have found, many corps people lean on for direction and ideas.”
Humes is responsible for instigating the women’s ministries “Prayer Line,” which is still active in the corps. When a prayer request is made from a corps or community member, one woman prays and then calls the next woman on the list to do the same. Before long, an entire line of women has prayed for the request.
Members of the corps family, the women’s ministries group, her neighbors, family and friends know they can count on Jackie to be a woman of prayer, a support, a voice when it’s needed, and a solid prayer warrior. The hour doesn’t matter if someone needs her for anything—a phone call, hospital visit, or shoulder to lean on. When a vehicle struck one soldier, Ricky Anderson, during the Christmas season, it was Jackie there at the hospital for hours to support him and his mother, Sarah.
Now Jackie is battling health issues of her own, as she was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She has slowed down in recent months, but has not stopped doing what she loves mostfulfilling her duties as Home League secretary.
“As her corps officers for almost five years now, we have been blessed to have her as a vital part of our corps family,” Murray said.