The Rallies
The Journey Begins!
STYLE AND IDEAS–Captain Terry Camsey explains the process and opportunities to Visioning Rally participants in the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division.
by Captain Terry Camsey –
During a whirlwind six-week period, Divisional Visioning Rallies and Conferences have been conducted in all 10 divisions by three teams from Territorial Headquarters led by Commissioner David Edwards (Territorial Commander), Colonel Bill. D. Luttrell (Chief Secretary) and Lt. Colonel Raymond L. Peacock (Territorial Secretary for Program), supported by Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson (Assistant Chief Secretary) and Captain Terry Camsey (Church Growth and Vision Secretary).
For these leaders, the response more than justified the time spent preparing and travelling. For participants? Let them speak for themselves in the following reports from the front lines…
Alaska Division Rally
Two separate rallies were held for officers and soldiers. These were led by Lt. Colonel Raymond L. Peacock and Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson, supported by Majors Terry and Linda Griffin (divisional leaders), divisional staff and Guiding Coalition members Jenni Ragland and Envoy Richard Barton.
The overlying attitude among participants was enthusiasm for the process and many expressed their appreciation to territorial leadership for giving officers and soldiers freedom to participate in building dreams and visions for the Army of the future.
Major Terry Griffin affirms “The visioning process is a vital one for The Salvation Army, especially in the Alaska Division, with its unique and diverse ministries. We want to be culturally sensitive and socially relevant as we move into the 21st century.”
Goals for 1999
The Alaska Division’s premiere event for 1999 will be the opening of the new divisional camp at King’s Lake. The donation of this camp makes it possible to expand a camping program which has formerly been held in rented facilities. The goal is to open camp this June. The first Alaskan Community Service Camp will be held in July. For the first time, Alaskan youth will be able to be employed at camp and have the opportunity for ministry through a camp setting. Commissioner David Edwards will preside at the dedication during an open-house “Day at Camp.”
The visioning focus in this division will be on local leadership development. Training will encourage locals to take “ownership” of their corps.
There will be a new emphasis on Social Service in South-East corps. Some village corps will incorporate this for the first time. Several corps will become the “food bank” for their community.
A new Client Services Center will open at Booth Memorial Youth and Family Services. A complex will be completed that will supply room for family visitation, confidential interviews, etc. The emphasis will be in the area of prevention rather than waiting for a crisis state, according to Major Robert Anderson, administrator.
A satellite Social Service Center will be located in the Mt. View area of Anchorage This will bring services to the client. A new and much-needed thrift store will be established by the corps in Petersburg. This should be open by the end of February or March.
Cascade Division Rally
This division approached the strategy slightly differently, presenting the concepts to officers in councils entirely devoted to visioning, officers who, in turn, will take it to the corps.
The councils were led by Colonels Bill and Gwen Luttrell, supported by Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson, and included a one-day seminar on “First Things First” by Janette Bosanko and a presentation on “Salvation Army Values” by Colonel Edward Fritz (R).
“Every corps will be visited by the Divisional Commander and Divisional Secretary in order to support our officers and lay people in the process of arriving at a God-inspired, challenging and all-inclusive vision,” explained Major Kurt Burger, divisional commander. “Opportunities like this are few and far between. It must be done right or our efforts will have been wasted; let’s keep praying for God’s guidance.”
Goals for 1999
In the Cascade Division, as elsewhere, God is at work in the lives of people: they matter most. From intense summer programs to expanded Christmas programs, God’s guidance is evident.
The Portland Greenhouse program, a drop-in center for homeless youth, is housed in rented space, the owner of which has for years refused to sell to the Army.
Perseverance paid off, and the miracle happened. In January 1999 the transaction will take place, making it possible to greatly enhance our ministry there.
Much is on the agenda for 1999; numerous capital campaigns, intense focus on the vision project begun in 1998, and the development of strategies to implement it, quality summer ministries, development of two outposts and the continued encouragement to pray as well as increase our awareness of the privilege it is to serve the Lord. Plans are being made for the second divisional Brengle Institute, to be held next summer. Last year, the camp targeted the whole family, with three tracks: a Bible school for children, holiness teaching for adults, and a creative ministry camp for young people. There are plans to conduct an aggressive statewide 1999 Christmas campaign under the chairmanship of Oregon Governor John Kitzaber with the slogan, “The Best this Century,” leading into the new millennium with the message to Oregon and southern Idaho: “Let’s Not Go Back to Ground 00.” A lot more is in store for the Cascade Division. As the Founder said, “This and better will do.”
Del Oro Division Rally 
INTENSITY–Del Oro delegates share ideas.
I am pleased to advise that the officers and soldiers of the Del Oro Division wholeheartedly affirm the following words from the Irish Hymn: Be thou my (our) vision, O Lord of our heart…” stated Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland, Divisional Commander. “We are committed to the vision process for the USA Western Territory and for the Del Oro Division, where the people are its treasure.”
This rally, held at Sacramento Citadel and led by Commissioner Edwards and Captain Camsey, supported by divisional staff, attracted a large company of officers and soldiers who filled the Citadel despite its being a Friday evening.
Goals for 1999
The Del Oro Division will be forming a vision based on the needs and visions of our corps.
Toward the end of 1999, construction will begin at the Del Oro Camp. Ultimately, this will include a summer camp using a mining town theme (complete with a railroad) and an adult conference center.
In October 1999, the dedication of the Oakland multi-services center will take place on the property formerly used as the Booth Home and Hospital. This complex will house the total Oakland Clay Street operation, including corps and social service.
Remodeling of the new Concord facility will be completed during 1999 with improvements to the chapel, fellowship hall and classrooms.
As for corps openings, the Manteca Outpost will achieve corps status in 1999. Already average attendance has reached 35, with many junior and senior soldiers being inducted. Outpost openings are planned for Ukiah and Santa Rosa (Laotian ministry).
Golden State Division Rally
Commissioner David Edwards, assisted by Captain Terry Camsey and divisional staff, led the rally in a beautiful Pentecostal church right opposite the Modesto Corps. A crowd of some 250 officers and soldiers reflected what one described as an “overwhelming response… of positive encouragement and a new sense of hope for the Army.”
Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Richard E. Love, drawing on the story of David and Goliath, pointed out that while Saul’s armor was suitable for Saul, when he offered it to David, David’s response was that he needed to use his own armor. He went on to suggest that the challenge for corps officers assembled was for each corps to approach the visioning process with that individual response to God’s leading, as they and their soldiers attempt to envision the future for their particular appointment.
One couple, former Salvationists who had been attending another church for the past 20 years, was invited to attend the rally. Following it they recommitted themselves to involvement in the Modesto Citadel Corps, taking active roles in soldiership and leadership. They commented “It is indeed a new day for the Army when corps officers and soldiers are given an important voice in the future of the corps.”
A soldier from Bakersfield Temple Corps has been studying the military, learning that an important part of effective strategizing is to review and alter one’s tactics. He appreciated seeing the Army adopt this historical model.
A couple from the Modesto Citadel Corps went home and talked for two hours straight about what the Army means to them and the visioning process. They realized afterwards that it had been years since they had talked to each other about anything for more than a few minutes. They were very grateful for this experience.
Goals for 1999
Lt. Colonel Richard E. Love says that there is the possibility of opening two new corps by the fall: Los Banos and Milpitas. The Lighthouse Corps Chapel groundbreaking is set for January 31, and for the Bakersfield Corps, new buildings on March 21. Two new programs have been proposed and are awaiting final plans and approval.
The officer/envoy staff of the Golden State Divisional Headquarters has given prayerful consideration to what we believe are those “Core Values” that we want to be characteristic of us and to guide our decision and behavior.
We define a Core Value as a basic, foundational principle or standard that is of primary importance; a characteristic, trait or behavior that helps define who we are as individual Christians and, together, as officers assigned to provide leadership to this division.
In brief, the Core Values are:
- We will adhere to the highest standard of Christian ethics.
- We will adhere to the doctrines, policies and procedures of The Salvation Army.
- We will value people more than things.
- We are committed to the ministry of encouragement.
- We will affirm flexibility.
- We will strive for excellence.
- We will seek the highest stewardship in ourselves and others.
- We will endeavor always to keep our calling in focus.
Hawaii and Pacific Islands Division Rally
Again, to a packed house in the Kauluwela Corps, Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock, Territorial Secretary for Program, assisted by Captain Terry Camsey and supported by the divisional staff, presented the Visioning Project to soldiers and officers.
Major Don R. Mowery, divisional commander, challenged all present to seek “the mind of God” to be all God designed us to be:
“We must have the confidence to believe that the corps is the most important business in the world. Our favorite Scripture verse must be Philippians 1:6 ‘Being confident in this one thing, that God who has begun a good work in you will complete it.’… A corps with vision knows that the difference between success and failure many times is persistence.”
Goals for 1999
Expansion of services and programs on Oahu and Guam are slated for 1999, along with a new outpost opening on the island of Molokai.
Molokai Outpost: The Army has had a presence on Molokai for many years through League of Mercy trips to Kalaupapa and through annual Christmas assistance. Over the last few years, the work has grown to include corps programming and a social service ministry, an extension of the Care-a-Van homeless outreach program operated in Kahului, Maui.
Approval for opening the Molokai Outpost was recently received, officially beginning the Army’s work on Molokai. An advisory council has been established, and in the words of Major Bill Begonia, “The Molokai Outpost is a real pioneering venture to a needy community, with hopes and dreams of a brighter tomorrow.”
Honolulu, Hawaii–Alzheimer’s Facility: Plans are under way at the Kauluwela Mission Corps to expand their Adult Day Services (ADS) program and offer specialized services to Alzheimer patients. ADS has worked intensely with Alzheimer patients for several years and has done considerable research regarding their treatment and management. Research shows that the usual management processes with Alzheimer patients are not particularly effective; therefore, ADS is proposing the construction of this facility.
The proposed facility will be specifically designed for Alzheimer patients and will have sufficient space to provide patients with a needed sense of freedom and mobility. The environment will be designed to meet the physical and emotional needs of these specialized patients. Research and experience have shown that providing a physical environment that stimulates and soothes patients is highly effective. “Paths to wander through, gates and doors to open, areas to sit in and an aviary, are some of the features that are planned to favorably impact the needs of Alzheimer patients,” stated Helen Myers, ADS administrator. “Patients will be surrounded by an environment and atmosphere that supports them.”
Hagatna, Guam–The Salvation Army Lighthouse Recovery Center opened in December for men recovering from addiction. The new halfway house is a 12-bed facility that provides housing and counseling for up to three months for clients. The Center will also provide job training, recovery counseling and life skills seminars. The program is designed to continue what a recovery program started or to assist someone just released from prison. Many substance abusers go through rehabilitation programs, get their feet on the ground, and then go right back to the environment that encouraged drug use.
The Salvation Army hopes to create a program for women in 1999 and expand the men’s program when additional funding becomes available.
Intermountain Division Rally
It was, according to delegates, an exciting time as Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock and Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson shared the new vision of church growth for the territory. There were 87 in attendance at Lakewood New Heights Center for this rally.
Despite earlier skepticism from a few present as to whether territorial headquarters was serious about the new visioning process, by the end of the day delegates were convinced by what they heard.
One young man, Chris de Ruiler, who recently moved to Salt Lake City from Holland, said “How refreshing and exciting it was to see the Army leadership in the West seeking input from the lay leaders of the territory. By doing so they are impassioning the soldiers and members to communicate their hopes and dreams for the future.”
Lt. Colonel Harold F. Brodin, divisional commander, refers to the event as a wonderful day of inspiration and call to commitment for making the next century better than the last.
Goals for 1999
The Intermountain Division is facing an aggressive and busy year as we prepare for the new millennium. Continuing growth will be shown by the following:
New and renovated buildings in seven communities at a cost in excess of $5 million will increase our ability to minister to the needs of people and to proclaim the gospel to a growing population.
Soldier and officer development through discipleship and leadership training will be accomplished by regional local officer seminars.
Innovative programs for youth and women’s programs will aid in developing future divisional and officer leadership.
The Intermountain Division is anticipating the visioning process in the corps and other programs to set a course that will maintain the past growth of the division and continue sustainable growth into the new millennium.
Northwest Division Rally
This, the first of the series of Divisional Visioning Rallies, was held at Spokane and has already been reported in New Frontier. Commissioner Edwards and Captain Terry Camsey presented the seminar and were well supported by divisional staff.
Officers and DIVLOC members were involved in the process and some lively debate took place following small group activities.
Lt. Colonel Chris Buchanan reports:
“There was a marvelous moving of God’s Holy Spirit upon us as all realized that God is preparing our corps to take part in the harvest of souls for His kingdom. We are anticipating God’s leading in the visioning process.”
Goals for 1999
Following an unprecedented year of growth, The Salvation Army in the Northwest has great plans for the new year.
Eviction prevention for families has been the focused effort for the newly established RACE (Rental Assistance Collaborative Effort) program. By working with other agencies, limited resources will go further in helping families keep their homes.
The Salvation Army domestic violence programs expanded legal and community advocacy, as well as partnerships with local police.
EARN (Employability Advancement and Retention Network) has set up partnerships to focus not only on job placement, but career advancement for clients. The program also addressed rural issues of welfare reform.
In South King County, the newly opened social service center will provide emergency assistance for residents in the Kent/Auburn area, and also include job training and parenting programs.
Throughout 1999 The Salvation Army in the Northwest will expand even farther. The official dedication of the new Anacortes Corps Community Center started off the new year. Their plans include development of a literacy program and expansion of life skill courses. The division hopes to expand and renovate the White Center and Renton Corps, as well as providing more transitional living space at the William Booth Center.
Additional housing is being forecast for 50 additional Silvercrest units and transitional and emergency housing in Spokane. For women, a 17-bed emergency shelter will be built under the direction of Majors Dave and Liz Clitheroe in Seattle.
Ministry programs will expand in Western Washington in 1999. Kent has plans for a Russian outpost. Puyallup is also hoping to start a Korean ministry.
To meet further the needs of Snohomish County residents, there are plans for a new satellite service center in Marysville. The center will work directly with Captains Robert and Rhonda Lloyd at the Everett Corps. Sierra

HEART OF THE CITY–Groundbreaking on the Sierra Del Mar Division’s Ray and Joan Kroc Community Center will take place in 1999.
Sierra Del Mar
Division Rally
For the corps officers and soldiers of the Sierra Del Mar division, the Vision 2000 seminar was a day of challenge where they were urged to strengthen their call to God and seek his will in reaching out to the spiritually hurting in the next generation. The venue was the Riverside Corps and the rally was led by Colonel Bill D. Luttrell, who suggested to delegates that “When you look at yourself and evaluate yourself it’s not the talents you have, but the power of God in us that demonstrates our love for him.”
The Chief Secretary was assisted by Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson and divisional staff. Major Donald Bell, divisional commander, indicated that his division is a thriving one; one that will continue to reach out and change lives for God’s kingdom through a variety of services and programs.
Goals for 1999
The Sierra Del Mar Division will establish a vision statement for each corps to show a clear and shared picture of what the future of our division might look like.
The division is continuing toward its goal of doubling the number of corps, officers, soldiers and attendance by the year 2000. After opening the San Diego City Heights Corps in 1998, the divisional program planning council will recommend in 1999 that the Corona Corps be officially opened. Work is continuing in Barstow, Fontana and Yucaipa. Candidates for officership are also a priority. Four candidates are currently completing case papers. A divisional director for social services will be added in 1999. The central kitchen will expand to weekend meals in February and will be preparing nearly a million meals for the year.
Officers’ councils have been scheduled in March and October, with Commissioner Edward Read (R) assisting with the October councils. A full set of camp and youth retreats have been scheduled. The division is looking forward to a successful World Services Ingathering in April in addition to a good representation at the National Advisory Organizations Conference in Pasadena. Senior musicians’ councils have been scheduled for May, along with the Divisional Family Camp with Commissioners James and Ruth Osborne (R) as special speakers.
The move to a new DHQ building is planned in June, with existing development department space converted into lodging for the STEPS program.
An amendment to the conditional use permit has been filed for the divisional camp. A number of conditions will have to be met, including environmental and land use concerns. The Escondido Silvercrest will be dedicated in May. There will be negotiations with the ARC Command to share space in Cathedral City for a corps community center.
Finally, and probably most significantly, groundbreaking will take place in 1999 for the Ray and Joan Kroc Community Center. Scheduled to be completed in two years, the facility will include both English-and Spanish-speaking corps, with a series of buildings and programs to support the work, including athletic fields, gymnasium, swimming pool, ice skating rink, performing arts center, and family service office.
Southern California Division Rally
The visioning rally for this division was held in the larger context of a Visioning and Leadership Conference held at Santa Ana Temple Corps, again under the leadership of the Chief Secretary and Assistant Chief Secretary. Lt. Colonel Alfred Van Cleef and Majors Jerry and Donna Ames were also on hand from divisional headquarters for what was described as an “inspiring and motivating conference.”
Lt. Colonel Van Cleef declared:
“The visioning process is absolutely crucial to the forward movement of The Salvation Army in Southern California. It will require a great deal of energy to accomplish its intended purpose. I have confidence in the officers and soldiers of Southern California as they begin this important spiritual discipline of finding and articulating God’s vision for each of their corps. The most challenging question put forward was ‘How are we going to do this?’ We are determined to wrestle with that question and make it happen, being convinced that God would have us have clear direction for the future.”
Goals for 1999
“In the Southern California Division, the coming year–and beyond–will include the vision of bringing more people to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to continue in the expansion of our work to serve others as we glorify his name,” said Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef.
Projects and plans scheduled to begin or be completed in 1999 include: dedication of the Westwood Transitional Village, a 41-unit apartment complex and licensed child care center. The program will continue to help families establish themselves with full-time employment and permanent housing.
Bethesda House, a licensed 50-bed program for homeless families and individuals who are HIV/AIDS positive, plans to relocate to a new facility. At The Haven program for homeless veterans, a separate board and care component will be established. A new 15-bed program for women will also be created later this year at The Haven.
One of the major projects for the Southern California Division has been the establishment of programs and services in South Central Los Angeles. Begun in 1997, the division provides after-school educational and recreational activities for nine of the area’s 19 schools. Six of the 19 schools are visited weekly with a mobile learning van that houses a computer lab. Later this year, a newly-purchased building will be completely renovated to house a new corps, fellowship hall and youth center.
According to Van Cleef, other projects and programs slated to begin this year include the expansion of the Los Angeles Red Shield Youth and Community Center. Booth Memorial Center will celebrate its 100th anniversary and hopes to receive its accreditation later this year. The center’s on-site school has been approved by Los Angeles Unified School District to begin accepting community referrals, considered an affirmation of the school’s quality curriculum program.
The Santa Barbara Corps will break ground on a new Hospitality House to help the homeless and the Whittier-Laotian Corps is looking for a new facility due to exciting growth of their ministry. The San Pedro Corps and San Pedro Temple will break ground for a larger facility. The dynamic Hispanic ministry in Long Beach will move into larger quarters once renovations are completed on a newly purchased building, and the Southeast Communities Corps will begin a Hispanic ministry later this year. A new Silvercrest Residence will be dedicated mid summer in the city of Glendale.
Southwest Division Rally
Phoenix South Mountain Corps was packed to the rafters as Commissioner David Edwards and Captain Terry Camsey shared the philosophy underlying the territorial visioning initiative and the strategy planned to facilitate the process. The most significant question raised by the rally was, according to Lt. Colonel Olin Hogan, Divisional Commander, “How will this help us to do the work of God where we are? That is, how can we use this program to enrich our work, and to bring others to Christ?”
Lt. Colonel Hogan suggests “The Visioning process in the Southwest Division is moving the work of God forward in new, unexpected and exciting ways. What this is doing is helping each of us to FOCUS!
- Find the center of our individual and corporate lives
- Open our eyes to new possibilities
- Carry out the work of God in new ways
- Understand more fully the will of God
- Serve the people to whom we have been sent by the Father”
Goals for 1999
According to Lt. Colonel Olin Hogan, Southwest divisional commander, the division has identified the following goals:
Open seven new outposts (Carlsbad, NM; Phoenix Riverside, AZ; Tempe South/Ahwatukee, AZ; Payson, AZ; Gallup, NM; Rio Rancho, NM; and Sun Lakes, AZ).
Open six new corps (Kingman, AZ; Estrella Mt., AZ; Tucson Korean, AZ; Phoenix Korean, AZ; Gilbert, AZ; and Scottsdale, AZ).
Divisional Deeper Life meetings will take place in Mesa, Ariz., July 23-25, 1999, with General Bramwell and Mrs. General Maude Tillsley (R) as special guests. A special Women’s and Children’s camp will be held in June, and building dedications will take place at Sierra Vista, Estrella Mt., Lake Havasu, Phoenix Riverside, Phoenix Korean and Tucson Korean, Ariz., and Carlsbad, NM.
Other plans include: in Phoenix, enlarging the family shelter from 70 to 140 beds, doubling the size of Project Hope (outreach to the homeless). In Las Vegas, a new Pathways Residence for homeless mentally ill will open.
Adult Rehabilitation Centers Command
Not to be left out of this exciting process, and as the result of the initiative of Major Daniel Starrett, Adult Rehabilitation Center commander, all of the ARC officers met in Los Angeles in early December for a day of orientation to the territorial visioning process and exploration of ways in which the various centers can be a part of the process as the territorial vision is surfaced.
Small groups wrestled with the challenge set before them and, after reporting their initial findings, were able to question the Territorial Commander on various aspects. As always, Commissioner Edwards was forthright and direct in responding to issues raised.
Goals for 1999
Major Dan Starrett says a potential capital development of $1.81 million is projected in 1999. This will include new stores, a brand new women’s facility in Anaheim, and a new facility in San Diego. The opening of the Anaheim ARC Corps will be celebrated.
The command will open at least 10 new Thrift Stores. The state-of-the-art call center, located at the Lomita Annex, is projected to handle more than 16,000 donor calls per day, with an average increase of ten percent in the number of house pickups.
The Command will host the largest gathering of ARC men and women for a night of “The Greater Celebration,” with General Paul A. Rader and Commissioner Kay Rader, just before the National Advisory Organizations Conference in Pasadena.
The winning of souls is still the Command’s primary purpose, and thousands of seekers continue to come to the altars.
The ARC Command is among the most exciting ministries in The Salvation Army today, and all are invited to become part of “The Greater Rehabilitation.”
College for Officer Training
“During 1998 there was a strong move by the College for Officer Training to capture the spirit of visioning that was embracing the Western Territory,” reports Training College Principal Major Doug O’Brien.
Encouraged by the insightful leadership of then Training Principal Major Terry Griffin, and supported by Captain Terry Camsey, a representative group of college officers, cadets, members of the college Board of Advisors and lay Salvationists met for intensive and prolonged discussion about the search for educational excellence in the Western Territory.
A Vision statement was eventually framed:
We will be a cutting edge center of learning–passionately pursuing the development of dynamic Christian disciples–promoting a lifelong learning commitment.
Goals for 1999
A cluster of objectives was outlined to help accomplish this vision. These included:
- A well-defined education plan to develop the skills and subject expertise of CFOT officers
- Renewed involvement by CFOT officers in corps programming
- Development of a process by which to identify and appoint skilled CFOT officers
- Identification of the qualities and skills needed by a dynamic disciple of Christ
- The focusing of CFOT curriculum to achieve those ends.
The outlines of this vision process were fashioned as a working document and shared at the time of the CFOT annual review. At this time, the territorial administration has given strong encouragement to the college to pursue its vision goals and the college continues to work with staff at THQ to implement the objectives set out by the vision committee.