Del Oro Women’s Ministries Touch Lives

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MEANINGFUL SUPPORT–GIna Jones (pink blouse) joins in prayer during the Vacaville Women’s Outreach Ministries Bible study. The Salvation Army has played a significant role in her life.

October 31, 1996, was a traumatic day for Gina Jones. After her husband was incarcerated, she and her three young children moved in with her sister. When the house went into foreclosure, Gina became homeless. With no one else to turn to, she came to The Salvation Army. Gina and her family were placed at Opportunity House, a shelter for homeless families administered by The Salvation Army in Vacaville, Calif. There, she participated in a two-month program designed to provide assistance in self-sufficiency by finding jobs and housing.

While there, Gina and her children began attending services at the Salvation Army corps. In December, she was able to move into her own apartment, and with transportation provided by the Vacaville Corps, she began attending our Women’s Outreach Ministries Bible study while her children participated in a singing program.

The next year, 1997, brought many difficulties, but she remained faithful to the corps and the group of women who believed in her. She also became an adherent.

With all the challenges of caring for three young children alone, Gina looked forward to the time her husband, Jerry, would be released. On March 31, 1998, that day came. Gina “couldn’t wait” to have her family complete again and to introduce him to her “new family” at The Salvation Army. Gina’s whole family is now involved in serving the Lord here at Vacaville Corps.

Petaluma Corps

Each woman of the Petaluma Corps Women’s Outreach Ministries (WOM) is directly responsible for another woman’s initial attendance. Like so many dominoes, things “fell” into place….

When Janet decided to pursue a career in the medical field, the Petaluma Corps was in need of a social worker. The void was happily filled by Luana, a corps “regular” with a gift for evangelism. The job offered opportunity to meet lots of new people, including a young woman named Rachel. As their friendship developed, Rachel began to share more casual conversation. Luana was quick to point out the personal support she herself found within the corps family. When Rachel stopped in on a Wednesday morning, Luana suggested she return for that evening’s Bible study….

Almost one year to-the-day later, the social worker position vacated by Luana’s maternity leave practically fell into Rachel’s lap. Like her predecessor, Rachel struck up acquaintances easily and found a kindred spirit in Avalon. As their friendship rooted, Rachel learned that Avalon and her family were looking for a church to call, “home.” An invitation soon followed and Avalon was quick to respond….

Attending the corps that first Wednesday night, Rachel found acceptance and support. Eventually, with their encouragement of the women, Rachel became part of the Sunday morning worship team. She now also sings for the Tuesday night services, teaches her 3-year-old son’s Sunday school class and attends the weekly WOM prayer meetings.

After the initial invitation from Rachel, Avalon brought her husband and daughter to the corps on a Sunday morning. The ladies enveloped her, and seeds of mutual love were planted. The harvest was quick and today you will find the Brown family in attendance every Sunday as well as Wednesday. A prayer warrior for many years, Avalon also attends the “Armed and Dangerous” WOM weekly prayer group.

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