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Del Oro Division drinks at ‘the Well’

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More than 500 Salvationists from throughout the Del Oro Division enjoyed a day of celebration and consecration recently, immersing themselves in praise, worship, fellowship, and solid biblical teaching at “The Well.”

Held in Sacramento, Calif., delegates were invited to “come for refreshment, come for nourishment, go with purpose!”

“Give me a passion for you, Lord” were the words, sung by Jenny Clark, accompanied by her husband, Mike, as they opened the morning session. Through her teaching, Jenny challenged the congregation to worship in spirit and in truth.

The afternoon sessions focused on teachings from 2 Peter 1:1-11. Captain Lee Lescano reminded us, ” The wells of the world do not satisfy. Jesus provides everything pertaining to a life of godliness. As we know Jesus better, His divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life.”

The newly formed Del Oro Brass opened the final session with a prelude. Eastern Territorial Commander Com-missioner Joe Noland challenged all present by asking, “What are your expectations for the future? Are you pressing for the mark? What is your vision? What is your passion?” He went on to say, “Vision and holiness are interlinked, holiness needs to be portable… take it out into a dying world!”

During a moving time of commitment, the congregation prayed in groups and received cards, which summed up Noland’s message: “I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” I Cor. 9:22.

“We were blessed to have such a day together, and look forward to future gatherings,” stated Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland, divisional commander. “May we always be seeking ways to reach others for the Kingdom of God.”

Like the woman in John 4, the people of the Del Oro Division departed from “The Well” refreshed, nourished and with a renewed sense of purpose

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