Crestmont survey seeks response

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A pioneering spirit has always been a hallmark of The Salvation Army in the great Western United States, and once again the West is out in front, gathering data to help direct educational innovation by the Western Territory and Crestmont College.

A Campus Use Survey, coming soon, will measure perceptions and ideas from a broad mix of constituents throughout the territory about the Crestmont campus and how it supports the college’s vision and programs. These results will become part of the campus facilities plan and the case for support in an upcoming capital campaign for Crestmont.

“The college has a big vision,” said Paul Curnow of THQ, recently hired to lead the continued growth in effective fund-development capital fundraising in the Western Territory. “Providing lifelong learning opportunities for officers, soldiers, staff, volunteers and friends is a major undertaking, and Crestmont will need tremendous support from within and outside the Army in the years to come. Data research and analysis is a critical step in understanding all the needs and generating that support.”

In July, the Campus Use Survey will be mailed randomly to a selection of officers and lay people. It will also be available in July on the college’s website at so that anyone who wishes to respond may do so. Responses are anonymous, and there is also an opportunity for individuals interested in further participation to identify themselves.

“We hope anyone interested in the future of The Salvation Army in the Western Territory will take the time to complete the Survey,” Curnow said.

For more information, or to ask for a survey to be mailed to you, please call 562-491-8342.

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