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Councils Challenge Army Youth to Change Lives

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by Captain Mariam Rudd – 

Buses and vans pulled in from all directions to the Glorieta Conference Center in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico for the Southwest Youth Councils.

Gigantic rocks reminded delegates of the theme, “Solid-Rock-Solid,” derived from the verse from Psalm 40:2b: He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

The weekend was richly blessed by the Praise and Worship Band, the Southwest Praise Band, and the dance team, which each helped set the stage for praising the Lord. The drama group helped young people focus on issues that are faced daily, that Christians as well as non-Christians have to handle.

Tom Tufts, who speaks all over the world through Compassion International, blended humor and motivation to steer them to a life centered on Christ.

Majors Rudy and Judy Hedgren, territorial youth and candidate’s leaders, along with Captain Glenda Berko, territorial Guard and Sunbeam director, and Cadet Veronica Ochoa, challenged the young people during the keynote session. They reminded youth that our foundation must be secure in Christ–otherwise we will slip and fall.

Cary Trivanovich, an exceptional pantomime artist, held the group spellbound, but also shared his testimony with a challenge from God’s word.

Majors Linda and Terry Griffin blessed hearts on Sunday morning with challenging testimony and a reminder that God sees us from the inside out.

Delegates said that after only 15 minutes at Glorieta they had forgotten about the many hours spent on vans and buses getting there.

Lives were changed, people were challenged, and they left with the reminder that we can each experience a “Solid-Rock-Solid” footing in Christ.

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