Convoy of Hope comes to Fort Collins

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People of all ages receive hygiene kits.
Photo by Monica Covert

The Salvation Army partners with churches and other service organizations.

By Monica Covert, Captain

The Salvation Army Fort Collins Corps joined over 80 other churches and community and health service organizations Aug. 25 to present the “Convoy of Hope Compassion Outreach Tour,” providing free services to over 3,500 people.

Families enjoyed live entertainment and received free groceries, haircuts, family portraits, clothing, school supplies, and health and dental screenings. Corps volunteers supplied cold water, coffee and hygiene kits from The Salvation Army Fort Collins Emergency Disaster canteen.

“This is the first time Convoy of Hope has come through Fort Collins and it was amazing to see such a collaborative effort between the local churches, businesses, social service organizations, local government and Convoy of Hope,” said Captain Rob Covert, Fort Collins corps officer.

“With the economy not getting better, we need to look for ways to team up with our community partners in order to maximize our resources, which, of course, will result in better social services and church programming to the community.”

In a prayer tent, corps volunteers and others prayed with over 1,700 people. Many adults and children accepted the Lord and became connected to nearby churches.

“This puts the Army in a great position to be an active participant in the community, and provides us with new avenues of ministry for our church,” Covert said. “We don’t see this as a one-day event; our hope is that people who attended will find our church or any church and grow in Christ. I’m excited about how the Lord will continue to work through this collaboration of love. It was a collaboration of people coming together to honor, help and give hope to those in need…it was a convoy of hope!”

Convoy of Hope was formed in 1994 and has grown into a global movement with organizations joining forces to carry out its mission: to feed the world through feeding initiatives, community outreaches, disaster response and partner resourcing. Its 50-state tour has resulted in many organizations offering hope to those in need.

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