Commissioning – Jesus Folk NOW Scheduled

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GETTING READY–Songster Leader Janette Bosanko gets the cadet chorus in shape for Jesus Folk Now!

Original Musical An Expanded Production

by Major Doug O’Brien – 

Imagine a tough, loud-mouthed laborer who’s bragged once too often and got caught in a lie. With him is a desperately inadequate little woman, a cold, dead-hearted business man, and a weasel-like piece of humanity whom nobody trusts. Unfortunately, they’re all a little bit too much like some of us.

Some of us want to be good, but are never quite as good as we want to be. Some of us are out of touch with our feelings, caught in the rat-race of life. Some of us are just out of control. Some of us know just what God wants, but let him down time after time. We’re just common everyday folks, juggling our troubles and frailties, balancing our inadequacies and disappointments just to get by.

Changing flawed, but ordinary people into Jesus Folk is what the Gowans/Larsson musical is meant to be about. On the stage at Cerritos you’ll see these people become Jesus Folk.

Joining the CFOT production family–officers, cadets and kids–will be Southern California’s own Psalm 151 Gospel Choir and the LA Harbor Light chorus. But every man, woman and child in the audience will be part of the cast in this one-of-a-kind production of Jesus Folk Now!

Mr. Keith Turton has agreed to direct the musical for the training college. He comes with 13 years’ experience as the Dramatic Arts Specialist for the United Kingdom Territory. Mr. Marc Rosenthal, head of Marina del Rey- based Personal Creations, has been asked to be technical director for the show. Jesus Folk Now! will be produced at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts, June 12, 1999, at 6:30 PM. Tickets are required.

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