Colorado Springs Corps Catches Congress Vision

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It’s just one example of the ways in which Salvationists around the Western Territory are planning to make the Great Victory Congress an important part of their corps life…but it’s a great one.

Not satisfied with a trip to Long Beach at the beginning of June, Major Stephen Owen and the youth of the Colorado Springs Corps are planning to send two youth mission teams to Tijuana, Mexico, and Chula Vista, Calif., to serve during the week prior to the Congress.

Team One, led by Owen, will consist of eight young men, some as young as thirteen, who will do repair projects and ministry at the Tijuana Corps, as well as at an adjacent children’s center and family housing project.

Team Two, led by Lt. Jan Jones and YPSM Ann Kissane, will take four young women between 13 and 17 to assist with corps outreach and programming in Chula Vista. For one day, they will also join with the boys’ group in Tijuana for a combined ministry.

“They are very excited about this missions trip,” says Owen. “Our young people are involved in monthly fundraising projects to raise funds for the trip–selling pizzas, washing cars, selling candy, and hosting a baked potato bar on Palm Sunday at the corps.”

In addition, the corps has declared that it will cover the costs of materials and paint for the work projects in Tijuana. The young people have also committed themselves to learn music, drama, puppets, and other forms of ministry in order to make the most of their service.

The Great Victory Congress is all about honoring the Lord, encouraging one another, and celebrating spiritual growth. The Colorado Springs Corps certainly seems to understand those goals.

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