Classified Listings

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RESIDENT MANAGER–Live-in mgr. for ARC in west Los Angeles area (Canoga Park). Must have one yr. clean and be willing to be member of team. Call A/Captain James Sloan (818) 883-6321.

DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION–Needed to train and supervise employees and beneficiaries in work therapy unit at Bakersfield ARC. Must be high school graduate or equivalent–plus 5 years experience in production, preferably in ARC setting. Exempt position. Duties to organize and supervise daily work therapy assignments and coordinate with program department. Supervise movement of donated materials through system to sales in stores. Work with other supervisory personnel. Some computer knowledge. Contact Captain James Rodal (805) 325-8626.

ASST. MGR. COUPLE–for part time office and maintenance work at Silvercrest residence in Ventura, Calif. Salary plus apt. plus insurance. Fax résumé to: (805) 647-5875.

Salvation Army work in Veterans’ Administration Hospitals

NEEDED: Photos and memorabilia sought for display at 50th anniversary conference of Veterans’ Administra-tion Voluntary Service (VAVS) in October. Please contact: Major John Merritt, Southern Historical Center, 1032 Stewart Ave. SW, Atlanta GA 30310. Phone (404) 752-7578; Fax (404) 753-1932

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