Building character
The Salvation Army offers positive ministry programs for young people of all ages, including Moonbeams, Sunbeams, Girl Guards and Adventure Corps. These Christian character-building programs are focused on helping children learn about themselves and the world through education, fellowship, service and worship.
Moonbeams feature age appropriate actives for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten aged boys and girls and prepares them to participate in the Sunbeam and Adventure Corps programs.
Moonbeams pledge: I promise that I will try to love God, to help everyone, and to always do my best.
Girls 1st–5th grade begin to build a solid foundation through Christian fellowship and education in the Sunbeams program. Weekly meetings feature fun and learning and allow participants time to work on earning emblems to wear on their uniforms.
Sunbeam declaration: I understand that as a Sunbeam I should pray morning and evening, speak the truth, be kind to animals, never steal, swear, gamble, touch harmful drugs or strong drinks.
The Girl Guard program is a holistic Christian education program for girls 6th–12th grades. The goal is to develop positive social habits, communication skills, good decision making and other life skills. Leadership training and character-building are also provided.
Girl guard aim: I will grow spiritually by increasing my knowledge of God through Bible study and prayer. I will grow mentally by being honest in my thoughts and actions and by developing the mind and talent God has given me. I will grow physically by protecting myself from all harmful substances and habits by developing a healthy body. I will grow socially by being respectful, friendly, of service to others and loyal to my country.
Adventure Corps is the Salvation Army’s character building program for boys 1st–12th grades. Participants are divided into two groups—rangers and explorers—to earn emblems and awards for completing tasks demonstrating survival and life skills. The focus of Adventure Corps program is teamwork, service to the community, leadership, friendship and Christian fellowship.
Adventure Corps pledge: I promise to explore God’s Word and God’s world; to find ways to serve Him and help others; to develop and guard good habits so that I will grow as God desires; and to adventure into the world with the “good news” of Jesus Christ.
The Salvation Army and Boy Scouts of America partner in communities across the U.S. to prepare young people to make moral and ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.