Celebrating sobriety in San Bernardino

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ARC pays tribute to sober graduates.

Speaking at the banquet, Alumnus of the Year Eric Martin, a 2005 graduate of the ARC, focused on Christ as the center of his sobriety.

The San Bernardino County Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) hosted its annual “A Celebration of Sobriety” at its new men’s residence in mid October.

Moving from a smaller residential facility in December 2008, the men enjoyed their first sobriety celebration in their modern building.

“With our new men’s residence on Doolittle Street, we can accommodate 125 men,” Executive Director Maj. John Randall said. “They spend six months going through a sobriety program, where they learn to live with God and without drugs and alcohol. When they graduate from the program, they have an opportunity to join the alumni association and begin to rebuild their lives in a positive, constructive manner.”

One man—who completed the program in the last 12 months—received recognition as “Alumnus of the Year.”

All graduates who had remained sober participated in a “Sobriety Countdown” where they stood for acknowledgment. As the host called out numbers of years, those who were sober for more extended periods of time remained standing longer.

Some graduates of this program have remained sober for more than 20 years.

San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris was keynote speaker at the event.

The ARC and the San Bernardino Corps have worked together for 122 years to provide a ministry that serves the needy in the San Bernardino Valley.

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