Cascade Vision Action Teams initiate strategy

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DIVISIONAL ACTION TEAMS are meeting throughout the territory. In the Cascade Division, groups are actively involved in planning for the future.


A recent cold and windy day in La Grande, Oregon became a bright new beginning for the Cascade Division’s first Divisional Vision Action Team meeting.

Twenty-four corps were represented as the team elected their first set of officers to include Chairman Michael McVicker, Portland Tabernacle Corps; Vice-Chairman Captain Robert Birks, La Grande Corps; and Secretary/Treasurer Jacque McCormick, Salem Corps.

During the meeting the group was divided into five smaller groups to review all the corps vision statements and each corps’ goals to get an idea of common themes.

Each of the groups reported their findings and collectively determined that the top three areas of concern/concentration in the Cascade Division are: Evangelism, Fellowship, and Local Leadership Development/Discipleship.

The group then divided again into three groups corresponding to these areas, and each made specific suggestions for future workshops and seminars that could be helpful training opportunities. Armed with these specific suggestions, two members of the DVAT will serve on the planning committee for the upcoming Divisional Leadership Training Day, “Cascade Moving Forward Summit” planned for February 8, 2003.

Captain Kenneth G. Hodder, divisional commander notes, “Vision means nothing unless it is acted upon. The involvement of committed soldiers to the planning of events is therefore critical and I am delighted to see what is happening here in the Cascade Division.”

One delegate mentioned how General Gowans (R) really put a “handle” on the threefold nature of our mission by declaring: “Save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity.” And, more recently, Commissioner Linda Bond’s six point “strategies for action” put “arms and legs” to our vision.

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