Cascade moves forward at summit

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MAJOR DONNA AMES addresses delegates.


The Cascade Division recently held its second annual Moving Forward Summit for leadership training with tremendous results.

More than 190 delegates attended workshops geared to personal and leadership development with such intriguing titles as Star Trek & The Salvation Army ­ Evangelism in the Postmodern Age, The Jonah Perspective, Building Blocks to Financial Wholeness, Heartprints, Leadership 101, Your Family Matters, More Than A Message, Powerful & Effective Prayer ­ Looking Back to Keep Moving Forward, Reach One More for Jesus, and I Thought That Was Your Job!

Keynote speaker Lt. Colonel Raymond Moulton, territorial secretary for program, delivered a timely message on “McWorld,” comparing the practices of the corporate, business world with those of the spiritual community and the conflicts presented by the attempted merger of the two. He closed his presentation by referencing a United Nations speaker who emphasized the impact of one-on-one relationships in making a difference in people’s lives.

Major Donna Ames, director of personal development for Crestmont College gave an enlightening presentation on the opportunities for personal development offered through the school.

“We are delighted by this year’s Summit,” said Captain Kenneth G. Hodder, Cascade divisional commander. “Its success is a clear reflection of the commitment that Salvationists in this Division have made to spiritual maturity, corps development, and evangelism.”

This was evidenced by the participation of delegates in a corps group covenant-signing in which pledges were made to push for a “personal best” in terms of local involvement. Attendees left the conference freshly inspired to make a difference for the Kingdom of God in their own communities.


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