Cadets reflect on spring campaigns

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Cadet Betsy Hansen prepares food for an outreach to the homeless in Reno.

Annual Evangelistic Spring Campaign allows cadets to minister throughout the Western Territory.


By Lawrence Shiroma, Major


I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13).


Over 100 cadets and officers, under the leadership of Majors Tim and Cindy Foley, training college leaders, recently traveled from Crestmont to 12 Western Territory corps, at the invitation of divisional leaders to conduct Spring Evangelistic Campaign. This annual week-long field training exercise acquaints the cadets with the work of The Salvation Army in a real-life ministry setting and allows them to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed. Following are a few of the cadet reflections about this experience.

Brigade Sgt. Leslie Cyr: “We ministered at the retirement community at Leisure World and also at the Redondo Beach Corps where we helped around the corps and conducted the Home League meeting. The cadets will always remember the shining eyes of the children on Sunday morning at the corps. They were eager to participate in everything we had planned for them and excited to share their faith and knowledge with us. They were a blessing to us.”

Brigade Sgt. Christin Fankhauser: “The Seattle Temple Corps provided an opportunity to put into practice all that we have been learning at Crestmont.  Highlights of the week included: the graduation at the adult rehabilitation center and seeing the many lives that are being restored through this program tour and orientation of the Catherine Booth Home for women and children, and the Silvercrest ministry. Majors Dave and Linda Harmon and the corps members were supportive and encouraging. Our time there was filled with chances to lead, participate and observe the work of The Salvation Army in the Seattle area.”

Brigade Sgt. Darryck Dwelle and the Living Stones Brigade went to Colorado Springs, Fountain Valley, and Pueblo, Colo. Dwelle reports: “After a service I talked to a woman named Dottie who said that she had come to The Salvation Army as a kid and was a corps cadet but had been disconnected from God for a long time. I learned that if we are not in love with God’s people they are not going to see God’s love.”

Cadets at Seattle Temple Corps.

Brigade Sgt. Shawn McDaniel: “The Santa Clara Corps had a feeling of family and community. Corps officers Majors Richard and Tammy Larsson were joyful, timely, of good chemistry and attitude and knew their people. We particularly enjoyed exercise time with the seniors, making omelets in Baggies—a practical skill, and playing volleyball at the adult/young adult fellowship night.”

Brigade Sgt. Stacy Antonovich: “We shared with the Richland and Pasco corps.  We participated in two different community care ministries programs, one of which was an adult day care for those suffering from mental illness. In spite of the challenges that these adults face, they were energetic and open to participation. At a local park, the cadets did face painting for children, made balloon animals and led games. It was a week of personal growth, with the brigade drawing closer together.”

Brigade Sgt. Liane Newcomb: “The Justice League Brigade traveled to Reno and Carson City, Nev. Highlights included fellowship with the beneficiaries of the adult rehabilitation program (ARP), the Spring Carnival outreach to the neighborhood, Home League, mid-week ARP chapel, league night, sobriety luncheon, fashion show to support the Home League and World Service. We had many opportunities to touch lives and be touched by others. We were challenged to ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly’ before our God so that others may be reconciled to Christ.”

A testimony from Cadet Joel Boyd attests to the power of prayer: “God showed up for the Living Sacrifices Brigade in Butte, Mont. We had traveled to Bozeman, Mont., for our Spring Campaign. One of the responsibilities of the Bozeman Corps is to reopen The Salvation Army in the community of Butte, so we held a carnival to show the community that the Army cares about them and their children and that we are there to love and serve them.

“We set up our carnival in Butte and sent out the invitations but nobody came. Time went by and still nobody came. It seemed like this would-be carnival was about to become another notch on the belt of failed programs. But failed programs are God’s specialty.

“Someone suggested we have a prayer meeting for the outpost. We opened our Bibles and prayed through some of the promises in Scripture and claimed those promises for the Butte outpost. After a powerful time of prayer, we ended by singing ‘Amazing Grace.’ It was a beautiful time of fellowship with God, pleading his grace and intervention on behalf of The Salvation Army in Butte.

“As the last chord of the song resounded through the room, the door opened and in walked a couple with their handicapped boy. All of our hearts were awed by God’s immediate and clear response to our prayer. His timing was powerfully perfect. We knew he had been with us, and this little family was God’s way of saying ‘Yes.’ All of our hearts were lifted through the day as families began to flow in and out, asking about The Salvation Army and our youth programs. The Living Sacrifices Brigade left that day re-energized and hopeful for what God would do in Butte.”


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