Bridgebuilders set for Commissioning

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In just a few days time General John Larsson will ordain the “Bridgebuilders” as ministers of the Gospel, commissioning them as Salvation Army officers and providing them with a message of challenge as they receive their first appointment as officer-leaders in The Salvation Army.

The territory will join together in celebration at Commissioning Weekend, June 18-19, for the conclusion of a week-long series of evangelistic and spiritually refreshing meetings presented by General and Commissioner Freda Larsson across the territory.

On Friday, June 18 the cadets will receive their academic awards at the 10:30 a.m. Commencement exercises at the beautiful Crestmont College Campus. Saturday morning, 9:30 a.m., at the First Church of the Nazarene, Pasadena—the venue for the commissioning events, sees the first territorial-wide celebration of gospel and creative arts in Live ’04. There will be 14 different expressions of worship through drama, mime and music presented by talented young Salvationists from across the territory.

At 2:00 p.m. the cadets will enter the sanctuary as they proceed to the stage where they will be commissioned individually by the General as they kneel at the Holiness table. The cadets will be supported by their families and fellow Salvationists, and supported in ministry by the Tustin Ranch Band and the Pasadena Tabernacle Songsters.

The final service of the weekend celebration starts at 6:00 p.m. as the territory honors officers who have reached milestones in the number of years of faithful service. The cadets and new captains will present a powerful message of hope, through music and drama created by Larsson and his predecessor, General John Gowans (Ret.). The energy and excitement created as the new captains receive their appointment will be a testament to the passion with which they take to the field as ministers of the Gospel.

There are no tickets required for any commissioning event, but meals and childcare must be ordered through THQ.

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