Harvest Initiative set for implementation

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Territorial vision to connect corps and ARC.

By Brian Bearchell, Major

Big things ahead…that’s what Commissioner James Knaggs, Western territorial commander, envisions for the territory.

As man of vision and compassion, Knaggs is not likely to let things remain the way they’ve always been. He doesn’t merely look around and see what is, nor does he read history with the intent to see what was. Instead, the West’s leader has a vision of what can be…and he sees great things for the territory.

With this thought in mind, how do we get from where we are to where we can be?

Picture this:

The 2,500 annual graduates of the West’s adult rehabilitation centers (ARCs)—and their families—being assimilated into the local corps.

The thousands of children that have life-changing experiences with the Lord at summer camp, being followed up and invited—with intention—to the local corps.

Individuals that come to us to meet their physical needs, finding that their spiritual needs can be met by the Lord at the local corps.

And finally, a mass of people, rejected by their families and society, being welcomed with open arms into another family—one that is a non-threatening and non-judgmental avenue to the Savior who died for them.

To manifest this vision, the Mission Development department at Territorial Headquarters has begun a four-phased Harvest Initiative—finding ways to bring ARC graduates and their families, campers, recipients of our social services, and individuals with diverse lifestyles into our army of salvation, by any means, at any cost. Friends, soldiers and officers from around the Western Territory have been and will continue to be involved in creative caucuses with the intention of working with the Army on the front line of opportunities.

Let’s remove the roadblocks and open the gates! Be part of the harvest for the kingdom’s sake—One Army, One Mission, One Message!

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40).

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