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Beavers, Horgens to Begin New Line of Work

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Majors Richard and Martha Beaver recently entered retirement from the Yakima, Wash., corps after more than 40 years of officership.

Dick was born in Marion, Ohio, and first knew of the Army through his grandparents. Martha Tracy was born in Inglewood, Calif., and her parents became Salvation Army officers after years of active soldiering.

Following high school, Dick entered the Air Force during the Korean War. Martha worked as a secretary at Booth Memorial Home in Los Angeles.

When Martha and a friend went to Anchorage, Alaska, to work in the corps for the summer, she met Dick, who was stationed at Elmondorf A.F.B. Dick became a soldier at the Anchorage Corps.

They were married in 1954 and worked as corps assistants in Canton, Ohio, before entering Training School with the Sword Bearers Session of 1956.

Together they served as corps officers in Rock Springs, Wyo.; Pueblo and Greeley, Colo.; Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz.; Hobbs, N.M.; Bremerton, Olympia, Bellingham and Yakima, Wash.; and one DHQ appointment in Denver. Both attended the Brengle Holiness Institute and the International Congress in London in 1978, and enjoyed a tour of the country after the Holy Land Congress in 1985.

The Beaver family grew to include four children: LeRoy, Geraldine, Terri and Charles. They have five grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

Majors John and Jane Horgen recently entered retirement from Seattle, Wash., after long and faithful careers.

Jane Byers entered the Officers’ Training College in 1950 from Great Falls, Mont., in the Ambassadors Session. John Horgen entered the next year, to be commissioned with the Intercessors Session.

They met while serving in Spokane and were married in 1955 in Great Falls, Mont. Together they served in Kelso, Wash., where daughters Jane and Sue were born. Daughter Gaylene joined them in Wenatchee.

John and Jane have served as corps officers in Aberdeen, Bellingham, and Seattle Temple, Wash.; Great Falls and Missoula, Mont., Santa Cruz and San Bernardino, Calif.; and Colorado Springs. After two years at the Los Angeles Sivercrest, they returned to corps work at Salem and Portland Tabernacle, Ore. The last two and a half years of their careers were spent as chaplains at the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Seattle, Wash.

They have been active in their home corps, and had the privilege of having John’s brother Jim Horgen as the CSM in Salem, Ore., during their more than six years of service there.

The Horgens have been blessed with a lovely family, including two grandchildren, Jillian and Travis Yardley, and two “sons-in-Love,” Bill Weiss and Captain David Yardley. John and Jane are appreciative of the many friends they have found over 91 years of combined service.

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