Army seeks reconciliation of cultural differences

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During the week of 8-13 January 2001, cultural awareness will be highlighted in the Western Territory. The aim of Reconcile This! is to call Salvationists to introspection and action. The purpose is to focus on the diversity we represent, while being one Salvation Army.


We will at all times seek to be knowledgeable of, sensitive to, and discerning of the differences in the cultures… we serve.

Paul uses picture language to show how we as believers are interdependent. He teaches that we constitute the Body of Christ (1. Cor.12:12-27). Because of the fall our first priority is to reconcile with God. This is the foundational thought for Reconcile This! As we accept God’s offer of reestablishing fellowship with him, the ground work is being laid for “bite size reconciliation” across cultural, linguistic and ethnic barriers which we so often allow to separate us.

There are many wounds and broken connections within Christian groups and congregations. We need to let our diversity be the cause for polite curiosity as we seek ways to reconcile with each other. Reconcile This! is a tool to help individuals and groups of Salvationists to change the world for Christ. A grand undertaking, for sure, but it will only have real effect as individuals allow Christ to make a difference in their worlds.

The devotional book, which covers each day between January 8-13, has been written by Salvationists and friends of the Army representing a variety of backgrounds. Individual booklets are available at corps and Salvation Army units throughout the Western Territory. More copies may be obtained by contacting the Territorial Cross-Cultural Ministries Department. The booklet is available in Spanish and English.

The week culminates with Reconciliation Sunday, January 14th. The booklet includes a sample program for a Sunday service, a sermon outline, a list of resources for follow-up and several action points. From the Cross-Cultural Ministries Department, we hope and pray that many people will take up the challenge of making reconciliation happen in their own neighborhoods.

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