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Festival | Caring Magazine

Army celebrates Portland Rose Festival

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WARM GREETINGS ARE given to the crowd by (l-r) Jessica Hodder and Captains Ken and Jolene Hodder at the Portland Rose Festival.


Once again, The Salvation Army is a joyous part of the Portland Rose Festival. Musicians, timbrelists and dignitaries from Portland, Canada and Southern California marched in the nearly 200-strong Salvation Army Rose Festival Band that played before 400,000 spectators who lined the Southwest Airlines Grand Floral Parade route.

As leadoff band, The Salvation Army marched directly in front of the float bearing Miss America, Oregon’s own Katie Harman.

Morning showers soon gave way to sunshine as Cascade divisional leaders Captains Kenneth and Jolene Hodder and their daughter Jessica led The Salvation Army contingent. They were joined by Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef, Southern California divisional commander, and Major Glenn Patey, Southmount Citadal corps officer, Vancouver, B.C.

“What a wonderful day it was for The Salvation Army,” said Hodder. “As we marched across the Burnside Bridge, past Harbor Light and through downtown Portland, we could hear people singing along with the band. We were so moved by the warm reception we received. And we are grateful to all the Salvationists who joined us in making this such a memorable day.”

The three-day festivities began Friday evening at the annual Portland Festival of Bands when The Salvation Army brass ensemble presented a 20-minute concert just prior to Miss America singing the national anthem. Cornet soloist Robert Venables, Barrington Venables, Andrew Poirier and Captain Mark B. Hall, all from Canada, along with Sylvia Brodin-McCaw, Jeff Kurtz, Garen Horgen and Captain Darren Norton from Oregon performed a number of songs, including “Goldcrest,” “How Great Thou Art,” and “Joyful, Joyful.”

“Music is so important in our lives and to be able to bring the music of God to the streets of Portland was a fantastic experience, and one I won’t soon forget,” says Sylvia Brodin-McCaw, Cascade Divisional music director.

The Salvation Army Rose Festival Band included the Southern California Youth Band, Southmount Citadel Band, the Northwest Brass and Cascade Divisional Band, along with 25 timbrelists, 14 flag bearers and 20 junior soldiers. The 4.3-mile walk was an opportunity for The Salvation Army to spread the word through music of God’s eternal love. The Portland parade, which is broadcast nationally, is the second largest floral parade in the country; only the Pasadena Tournament of Roses parade is larger.

Saturday evening at Portland Tabernacle the bands that performed earlier in the day presented a Rose Festival Musical Bouquet Concert. And on Sunday three of the groups visited Portland-area corps and provided the congregations with a time of blessing and worship to the Lord.

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