Are we there yet?

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I said these words for most of my first year as a cadet. From the day I arrived at the college, I was ready to learn and train to become a Salvation Army officer. Getting out there––doing the ministry God called me to––that is what really mattered. I found myself always looking ahead. When would summer assignment come? I was anxious and excited, but ready to work.

Summer finally did arrive and summer assignments were great. But once again, I find myself asking the same question; “Are we there yet?” Looking towards commissioning now, I am ready to apply much of what I have been taught during my time here at Crestmont.

Upon reflection, I find myself realizing that my question is actually rhetorical. We never really are “there” yet, meaning finished. Each time of completion in one aspect of our life and Christian growth opens a new door, a new adventure. A wonderful assignment and application wait just on the other side of the door. My responsibility is to persevere in and through, wherever God places me.

This verse has taken on new meaning for me: Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heaven-ward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3: 13-14)

I am finished when God is finished. The question will undoubtedly come to mind in the future, but I will hold fast to God and trust that he is in control.

“Are you there yet?”

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