Andersons close out years of caring service

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Canadian-born Majors Robert and Jean Anderson graduated from The Salvation Army Booth Memorial College in Toronto, Canada. Early in their career as officers, Bob and Jean began training in specialized medical ministry. Jean became a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Hospital. Soon after their marriage, they migrated to California to study at Loma Linda University.

Bob completed pre-medicine studies and did extensive physician associate training at Booth Memorial Medical Center in New York. Eventually, he completed advanced degrees in psychiatry/mental health and pastoral counseling leading to the doctoral level.

Although the Andersons had very successful corps appointments, most of their ministry was spent in the area of healing, both in medicine and mental health. Appointments included the Los Angeles Booth Memorial Center and the Booth Memorial Youth & Family Services in Anchorage, Alaska, where they have ministered for the past 10 years.

For a number of years, Jean enjoyed great success in the tracing of missing persons ministry. Bob’s medical skills were utilized during domestic and international disasters, including earthquakes in Mexico, El Salvador, Los Angeles and the great floods of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and St. Louis, Missouri.

On Saturday, April 15, 2000, Bob and Jean were joined by approximately 150 of their friends and family for a retirement service at The Salvation Army’s South Anchorage Center for Worship & Service. Lt. Colonel Terry Griffin, Alaska divisional commander, presided, and Major Raymond Gilman presented the Andersons’ with their retirement certificates. All five of their children and eight grandchildren were present for the ceremony, which included a video presentation, “Down Memory Lane,” a Native Alaskan family blessing, and a solo by daughter Kendra.

Bob and Jean will reside at 27630 Boston Drive, Sun City CA 92586

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