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Alaska Women challenged to become ‘vessels unto God’

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(L-R) MAJOR FLORENCE MURRAY, Major Vickie Shiroma, Captain Mariam Rudd, and Kathy Slamp led and organized the retreat.


The 43 delegates who gathered at King’s Lake for the 2002 South Central Alaska Women’s Ministries Retreat returned home following a weekend of wonderful weather, warm fellowship and a time of spiritual renewal.

The theme, “A Vessel Unto God,” was based on 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.” Kathy Slamp, a Christian author and speaker, was the special guest. Knowing the limited finances of the division, Kathy graciously used her airline miles to fly round trip from Kansas. Her experiences growing up in Fairbanks, Alaska, wonderfully bonded her to the women.

The workshops provided opportunities to improve the spiritual temple as well as the physical. Kathy’s workshop was titled, “Between the Devil and the Deep Red Sea.” Many of the women who attended expressed how much they needed to hear the presentation regarding dealing with life stresses through the power of God.

Ann Stewart and her assistants instructed the women on how to enhance their beauty from within with make-up tips at the workshop, “In the Eyes of the Beholder.” Beauty was not only expressed spiritually and physically but also creatively as women decorated unique containers in the workshop, “A Vessel to Behold,” taught by Major Carol Samuelson.

Some women took advantage of the warm weather and lakeside view to sit and meditate on God’s wonders before them. The mother of one delegate had recently died. With Bible in hand and the beauty of God’s creation before her, she sat on the soft grass and allowed him to bring comfort to her through his word.

Captain Mariam Rudd wrapped up the retreat with her Sunday morning message, “Vessels for Service,” based on Jeremiah 18:1-6.

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