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A courageous hero wins final battle

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Lt. Colonel Chris Buchanan

On April 4, 2000, Lt. Colonel Chris Buchanan entered heaven after a battle with cancer.

Chris was born on June 28, 1940, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Frank and Alberta Buchanan, a young officer couple. He grew up as an officer’s child, involved in all of the activities. He loved playing the euphonium, and eventually became a bandmaster as well as a songster leader.

A 1962 graduate of Colorado College, he earned his degree in Zoology. In September 1962, he entered training college and in November 1963 was appointed as Cadet Lieutenant to assist at the Helena, Mont., Corps. Commissioned as one of the “Heroes of the Faith” on June 13, 1964, he was appointed In Charge, Charioteers, at DHQ in Seattle, Wash.

Chris fell in love with a beautiful young lady, a training staff officer–Captain Janice Burr. Married June 14, 1965, they have two children. Their son Chad and his wife Joyce live in Hawaii, and their daughter Stacie Brown, with her husband Richard, lives in Pasadena.

Corps appointments included Compton, Inglewood, and The Pasadena Tabernacle. Chris also served as No. Calif. divisional youth secretary, Southwest divisional secretary, and territorial youth and candidates’ secretary. In November 1993, they were appointed divisional leaders to the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division. The next year, they were appointed divisional leaders in the Northwest Division.

Services were held at The Pasadena Tabernacle Corps. Commissioner David Edwards officiated and Commissioner Joe Noland brought the message. Committal Service was at the Inglewood Cemetery.

Expressions of sympathy and concern may be sent to Lt. Colonel Janice Buchanan and family at 16696 Almaden Drive, Fontana, California 92336.

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