Letters to the Editor

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Congratulations to Bandmaster Gary Compton, Denver Citadel, re: Major Chick Yuill’s “Titanic.” From one who is now a soldier of his home corps, St. John’s Temple, it’s good to hear a young local officer expressing his view on church growth.

I’m sure Gary realizes he is now in the fastest growing territory in The Salvation Army International. As a reader of New Frontier, I’m cognizant of the many factors that have contributed to this realization. Not the least being the tremendous emphasis on every Salvationist giving strong prayer support. No wonder you are ready for a Territorial Prayer Summit!

As there is no perfect secular government, neither is there a perfect church [government] The largest Protestant denomination, USA Southern Baptist, (democratic form of government) has hundreds of churches with less than 100 members, and by comparison only a few megatype churches like Saddleback Community Church.

Music is an aid to worship and outreach evangelism, no matter what the style, likely related to homogenous principle and culture secular and religious. Perhaps more important is helping every believer discover their spiritual gift. Ten percent of every congregation has the gift of evangelism. Reducing the size of large bands and songsters would free up hundreds to use their spiritual gift to reach the world for God.

The famous Canadian Brass only has six members. Discover your six with the spiritual gift of music and vocalists. Then, we will know the importance of all means we use, needing prayer support.

Albert D. Browning
Lt. Colonel (R)
St. John’s Temple, Nfld.

Easter story

The Salvation Army has long been admired for its strong stand for abstinence and its compassionate efforts in restoring the addict.

Therefore, it was with astonishment and sadness I read in the Easter 1998 issue (“All the Blessed Hours”) the supposed letter from Mary to Jesus…sending the wrong message to your youth (and) seriously undermining the whole rehabilitation effort.

The beautiful and simple story of Christ’s first miracle is needlessly distorted and embellished so that it becomes a very alluring advertisement for the very substance–the root cause of so much heartache and the certain snare of many addicts.

Albert Nash
Fullerton, CA


Thank you (to Bob Docter–On the Corner) for the beautiful tribute you paid to one of our lifelong friends, Bob Bearchell.

We have known him for over 50 years, have served with him in appointments, and truly you have described him perfectly. His hard work, his commitment to the Army, putting the Army first above himself, his willingness to help anyone at any time all go to make Bob one of the “unforgettable people” we have known.

Thank you for your personal and accurate portrayal of this man.

Colonel and Mrs. Walter C. French (R)
Clearwater, Florida



Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 or e-mail us at: Safrontier@aol.com Read New Frontier on the Internet at:

The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.

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