Letters to the Editor

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Softly Eclipsed

Thank you for the most recent article by Major Deborah Flagg (April 30, 1997). Once again, she has eloquently and poignantly touched the hearts of her readers, both officer and non-officer alike. While the truth rings out pure and clear from her work, her message is conveyed with gentleness and understanding, providing an evenhanded treatment of sensitive issues. She communicates with both passion and temperance, in a style that is truly Spirit-filled.

Thanks to Major Flagg for sharing her gifts of insight and creativity and thanks to the New Frontier for continuing to explore relevant issues in ways that can promote healthy discussion and growth in us as individuals and as an organization.

Lisa Bingham
Territorial Headquarters


A copy of New Frontier was placed on my desk today and I was especially moved by the prayer of Commissioner Ed Read for the Army. Thanks for placing that in such a prominent place in the format. There is something unique about New Frontier…Thank you for the way your ministry reaches so many people…even in south Asia! Joyce and I wish you to know of our esteem and appreciation for your faithful witness for Christ in the Army.

Gene Anderson, Major
Territorial Headquarters
Sri Lanka

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