2013 Bible Conference update

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Registration for the Western Bible Conference is full, but a waitlist is in place.

By Victoria Shiroma, Major

Waitlist requests will now be accepted through May 31 for the 2013 Western Bible Conference (WBC), slated for July 2-7, as registration is filled.

Lt. Colonels Eddie and Kathy Hobgood, from the Southern Territory, are guest speakers. Currently, the couple serves at International Headquarters (IHQ) in London as coordinators of The Salvation Army 150th Anniversary Congress, scheduled for 2015. The Hobgoods’ officer children and their spouses—Lts. Ben and Annie Bridges and Lts. Jimmy and Ashley Taylor—will be present as guest staff.

In addition to presenting the evening messages, Eddie Hobgood will share two dramatic presentations: one depicting the life of The Salvation Army’s most colorful American officer, Joe the Turk, and the other a mini-musical about the life of Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle, previously presented in full at the 2012 Western Territorial Congress, the Gathering.

Colonel Janet Munn will be the guest Bible teacher for the morning sessions. Originally from the Eastern Territory, Munn serves at IHQ as secretary for spiritual life development.

Full biographies of Munn and the Hobgoods are available online at facebook.com/WesternBibleConference and salvationarmy.org.

Please continue to pray for the moving of God’s Spirit in this special time of spiritual discovery and renewal.

To submit waitlist requests, email carol.gaskins@usw.salvationarmy.org. To attend a reunion luncheon meeting for National Seminar on Evangelism delegates, email Carl Darby at carl.darby@usw.salvationarmy.org.

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