Cadets take to the field to assist corps and witness to God’s love.
By Keilah Toy, Major
The cadets’ annual Spring Campaigns are upon them—April 1-8—and they are ready, after a time of active preparation at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont (CFOT).
As part of their comprehensive Field Training program, cadets minister in local communities around the territory during the week-long Spring Campaign exercise. Alongside experienced officers, they not only gain practical ministry experience, but more importantly, they are able to share the love of Christ with others.
Traditionally, cadets travel to the front lines in Field Training brigades, made up of both first and second-year cadets. The current sessions—the Proclaimers of the Resurrection and the Disciples of the Cross—number 120 cadets and comprise 12 brigades. Brigade members hold specific brigade and are led by a cadet sergeant and a brigade officer.
Throughout the year, the brigades work in corps and institutional settings. They visit local communities and corps—conducting services, preaching and teaching, and assisting with children’s ministries, community outreach, service projects, nursing home visitations and more.
The Western Territory’s Spring Campaigns 2013 will take place in these locations:
Life Brigade—Glendale, Ariz.
Devoted Brigade—Watsonville,Calif.
Awakeners Brigade—Yuma,Ariz.
Unified Brigade—Boise and Caldwell, Idaho
Theosis Brigade—Victor Valley, Calif.
Jars of Clay Brigade—Carson City and Reno, Nev.
ILKOP Brigade—Modesto, Calif.
Unity Brigade—Various locations on Oahu Island, Hawaii
Heirs to the Throne Brigade—Seattle
“Less Than” Brigade—Santa Barbara, Calif.
The “Last” Brigade—Denver
This mission also affords exposure to advisory boards, prayer breakfasts, local radio and television programs, and children’s day camp or vacation Bible school.
During Spring Campaigns, an active Home Brigade serves on the home front. Cadet parents, with children staying at CFOT, serve in different Southern California Division corps or institutions each day, including Leisure World, Bell Lighthouse, Alegria-Zahn, Santa Monica Corps, Long Beach Citadel Corps, Compton Corps and Whittier Corps.
As the cadets minister across the Western United States, please join them in prayer not only for their continued training and growth to be the Army’s newest leaders, but especially that lives may be changed, transformed and growing in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.