TradeWest set to launch

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New territorial department will provide mission-critical resources to the field

After eight years of partnering with the Central Territory for the provision of Salvation Army supplies, the Western Territory will again have its own “Trade” department—“TradeWest.”

Initially, it will be an entirely online enterprise——that will make use of technology to better serve the needs of the West in supplying “mission critical” items, such as uniforms that are essential to the mission and identity of The Salvation Army, cost-effectively to the field.

“We welcome this renewed initiative of the Western Territory, with gratitude to the Central Territory for its partnership through the seasons of availability of Resource Connection,” said Commissioner James Knaggs, territorial commander. “The possibilities before us with TradeWest are missionally focused and grounded in practical service to the territory. I believe it is time for this good step in the right direction.”

This enterprise will be operated partly in collaboration with the Adult Rehabilitation Centers Command (ARCC), utilizing space at the Riverside County ARC in Perris, Calif., and providing additional work therapy assignments for beneficiaries of the program. Over time, the relationship between TradeWest and the ARCC will doubtless expand, leveraging the existing expertise of the ARCC in retail and other business areas.

“Our goal will be to provide mission-critical resources to the field in a timely, cost-effective and courteous manner. Our focus will be mission, not merchandise,” said Piers Fairclough, territorial director of Enterprise Development and a soldier of the Torrance (Calif.) Corps, who will provide oversight to the new operation. “Our goal will be to offer fast and friendly service to our Western Territory officers, Salvationists and employees.”

TradeWest will also oversee Trade operations at The Gathering in June, providing a fitting line for uniforms, as well as a range of Salvation Army supplies and apparel for sale on-site.

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