San Diego Citadel Corps honors Sloan

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Brigadier Eloise Sloan with Lt. Colonels Doug and Diane O’Brien.

The San Diego Citadel Corps recently honored Brigadier Eloise Sloan with the Excellence in Salvationism Award. This award honors Salvationists who have exhibited excellence in their Christian witness and service beyond the corps setting. Lt. Colonels Doug and Diane O’Brien and Majors Warren and Dixie Dabis presented the award to Brigadier Sloan at a vesper service featuring the San Diego Citadel band and songsters in concert.
Eloise and her late husband, Howard, entered the Wesley Palms Senior Retirement in 1993. Within two months of their arrival she started a “Sing-A-Long Hour” among the residents, averaging an attendance of 35 singers each Wednesday, to sing older songs and hymns. She has continued this program for 14 years. A year later, she initiated a weekly Bible study which continues today with an average attendance of 25. She also was the chairman of the religious activities committee for five years, recruiting ministers and pastors for each Sunday evening ‘s vesper service.
Health issues have recently prevented Brigadier Sloan from playing the piano at the San Diego Citadel corps. She had actively ministered at the piano during worship services for the past 14 years. Husband Howard was promoted to Glory in 1994; however, Eloise continued her faithful service to the corps and to her friends at Wesley Palms. Although unable to attend and minister at the Citadel, Brigadier Sloan has continued her ministry of music and God’s Word at the Wesley Palms Retirement Home.
When asked if Salvation Army officers really do retire, Brigadier Sloan answered, “As long as I have breath, I will serve him wherever I may be.” Corps Officer Major Warren Dabis, in words shared with her at her recognition said, “You may not be able to minister to us at the Citadel, but now this is your congregation.”
As she was honored for Excellence in Salvationism, this recognition was followed with a standing ovation from the Citadel musicians and over 125 of her fellow residents.

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