Partners in compassion

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by Ted Horwood, Captain – 

The territory has developed a new, progressive and convenient program to mobilize lay Salvationists into the mission field. Gone are the days of endless bureaucracy (well, almost) and lack of communication. The Western Territory has traditionally had one lay Salvationist serving abroad at any time. This year three will be dispatched: Erik Dabis (Del Oro Division) is currently in Jamaica and Jennifer Strickland will be going to Malawi in September; one other person will be placed later this year.

For those interested in lay missions through The Salvation Army, here are a few things to keep in mind. When asked what the greatest deterrent to missions in the United States is, the founder of the U.S. Center for World Missions replied, “It is the tragic, trudging procession of college graduates who are too burdened with debts to allow them to go into missions.” Other issues include: unrealistic expectations, moral/sexual failings, cultural adaptation and language learning, and problems in the home front. All of these can be addressed with proper preparation, prayer and relational support from the home corps
and good leadership on the mission field. (See for more information.)

Three officer families are returning to the territory in the weeks to come. Lt. Colonels Charles and April Strickland, Majors Wes and Ruth Sundin and Major Patrick and Captain Kitty Granat. All are requesting prayer for safe returns, eventless packing and shipping, and a good transition back into the territory.

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