Latino Rally packs LA Central Corps

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by Lourdes Griffith, Captain – 

Latinos from throughout the West—1,085 strong—gathered at the Los Angeles Central Corps on Sunday, June 15, where the Southern California Division happily welcomed officers, soldiers, friends and youth.

It was a blessed evening, starting with special music by El Centro Corps (Sierra del Mar) and a fervent praising and worshiping time led by Santa Ana Temple’s worship team. Following were testimonies and special songs expressing the wonders of what God can do for his children when they put their trust in him.

Bellflower Temple delighted us with dramatic and comedic presentations, expressing what the churches must “NOT” do.

The meeting could not have had a better ending than the message delivered by Territorial Commander Com-missioner Linda Bond, who stated that we, as a territory, should focus on the six strategic priorities:

The field should be a priority. The corps—not DHQ—should focus on growing. It has been noticed that corps with higher growth are those established within the last 10 years.

Promote holistic ministry. We should make known in the community that we are not just a social service organization, or just a church; but instead that ours is an integrated spiritual/social service ministry, and our soldiers need to personally be involved in this.

Make ministry to youth a priority. There will be no future unless we work with our young people. Each corps has the responsibility to make disciples and train tomorrow’s future leaders.

Identify, train and develop leaders. As in every organization, there will always be the need for more and new leaders. We have the responsibility—especially each corps—to motivate, move and train new people. There are many talents in our corps that we should use in a productive way. As well as our children / youth, they are our tomorrow’s future leaders.

Cast a global vision. Although The Salvation Army serves in 109 countries, our territory will focus in outreach to the whole world, considering our ministry as a realistic and global vision.

Direct resources to mission. The Salvation Army’s mission is Jesus’ mission. We have the responsibility to manage our resources in accord with our mission’s objectives, remembering our brothers and sisters in other countries who are lacking those things that we have.

Bond also mentioned prayer as one of our characteristics as Christians, reminding the audience that each Thursday from 7–7:30 a.m. The Salvation Army of the Western Territory joins in prayer asking for a revival in our territory.

She concluded with a call to those who have a desire to serve the Lord within The Salvation Army, either as officers, missionaries and/or as ministry leaders—a total of 46 people responded to this call.

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