Remembering those in need

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A DONOR GIVES a generous gift of hundreds of quilted Hawaiian bags and backpacks at the Lokahi Tree Giving Project kick-off.

During the holiday season, Salvation Army corps throughout the territory are busy bell-ringing and preparing food and gift baskets for those in need. Each division, with the help of local businesses and volunteers, holds special events to celebrate and share the ongoing gift of God’s love through his son, Jesus Christ.

Sierra del Mar

For two consecutive mornings before Christmas, Hyatt Regency staff served breakfast at the San Diego Centre City Corps. They provided everything — all the food and the excellent service. Primarily for seniors, the homeless were also invited. Gifts were distributed and about 500 were served each day.

New this year was a special gift from Merrill Lynch to 120 seniors in Salvation Army programs. For one hour the seniors placed phone calls, one or more, to anywhere in the world!

About 2,000 guests enjoyed a Christmas meal at Golden Hall in downtown San Diego. Each child received a gift and had the opportunity to visit with Santa.


Every Salvationist knows about filling the kettle, but what about filling the boot? The City of Phoenix firefighters held a special “boot” drive for The Salvation Army at a local mall. Shoppers were asked to drop their spare change into a firefighter’s boot.

More than 200 Vietnam veterans rode their motorcycles through the streets of Phoenix to deliver toys to hundreds of children at The Salvation Army’s Youth Center.

At the Arizona Diamondbacks’ holiday party, children participated in games, received lunch, and met Diamondback players. Each child also received a new pair of Nikes!

On Christmas Day, the Army held its annual dinner at Civic Plaza in downtown Phoenix. Over 4,500 guests attended; each received a warm meal and a goodie bag, and children received gifts from Santa.


More than 50 Portland celebrities, including media talent, public officials and Portland Metro Advisory Board members, participated in Celebrity Bell Ringing Day, raising more than $2,000.

On Christmas Eve, Portland’s Harbor Light Center served its annual Christmas meal to approximately 450 homeless men, women and children.

Through Cascade’s prison ministry, more than 3,100 prisoners and their families will be blessed this holiday season. In the Adopt-A-Family program, more than 260 families will be helped.


In downtown Seattle, an unprecedented number of local celebrities were on hand for Celebrity Bell Ringing Day, the annual event that last year raised a record $165,000.

The Saturday before Christmas nearly 2,000 low-income families received much-needed holiday gifts and food vouchers through the Toy & Joy program. Last year in Seattle alone, over 3,600 children received gifts through this program.

On Christmas Day, the William Booth Center served its annual Christmas Dinner to approximately 500.


The Intermountain Division delivered Christmas dinners to about 1,200 people with food provided by Safeway and prepared by the chefs of the Inverness Hotel. In the metro Denver area, volunteers also delivered approximately 4,000 food baskets, which served nearly 25,000 people.

Dedicated volunteers distributed gifts and toiletries to more than 20,000 individuals in hospitals and nursing homes and about 1,500 shut-ins.

A variety of artists performed at the Sounds of the Season Concert to benefit needy children in the Denver area. The cost of admission was the donation of a new toy.

Golden State

Entertainment at the 23rd Annual Celebrity Bell Ringing in San Francisco’s Union Square included the Oakland Raiderettes and performers with the San Francisco Clown Conservatory.

For several days before Christmas, The Salvation Army’s Family Services Center was transformed into a toy store for the Toy & Joy Shop distribution. Clients arrived at designated times to pick up their gifts and food. Last year over 1,300 Bay Area families were served.

On the Monday before Christmas eligible families in the Adopt-A-Family program were treated to a special “shopping” experience — they picked out gifts and were presented with a holiday meal.


The Salvation Army in Anchorage participates in GIFT, a program organized by the Army, Catholic Social Services, United Way and USMC Toys for Tots. Volunteers worked together to assemble and decorate about 7,000 stockings to give away with new toys and canned food for needy families. The program began in 1995 and each year serves between 3,200 and 3,500 families, or over 7,000 children.

In Juneau, the Army set up a toyshop in the Lemon Creek Correctional Facility, and inmates selected gifts for their children. The gifts were taken back to the corps, wrapped by volunteers, and delivered to the children.

On Christmas Day volunteers delivered meals, prepared by the ARC kitchen staff, to 250 homebound seniors and shut-ins.


In Hawaii, the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation agreed to match every dollar, up to $200,000, donated to the Army’s red kettles. This offer was made in anticipation of a decrease of about $100,000 in contributions due to corporate policy changes prohibiting public solicitation. The purpose of the Weinberg Foundation is to provide contributions to charitable organizations helping the poor and needy.

In “Take a Kettle to Lunch,” a new program for the working community, businesses were able to adopt a kettle and ring the bells in Honolulu’s busy commercial district. Many businesses participated in a spirit of friendly competition to raise the most donations for the Army.

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