West welcomes territorial leaders

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GENERAL EVA BURROWS (Ret.) installs Commissioner Linda Bond (left) as Western territorial commander.

Seven hundred enthusiastic Salvationists and friends witnessed the installation of Territorial Commander Commissioner Linda Bond and Lt. Colonels Donald and Debora Bell, chief secretary and territorial secretary of Women’s Organizations, respectively, at the recent Welcome Meeting for the Bridgebuilders Session of cadets, held at the Tustin Ranch Corps.

General Eva Burrows (Ret.) conducted the installations.

Prior to installing Bond, Burrows reflected on the importance of the event: “This is a historic event. Commissioner Bond is the first woman territorial commander in the USA since the famous General Evangeline Booth–nearly 70 years ago.” She then said Bond had a “warmth of personality, integrity, moral strength, commitment to the Army and its principles, management skills, and a soul-saving zeal.”

General John Gowans sent a letter of welcome to Bond, which Burrows read to the audience, which concluded with Gowans’ admonition: “I call on you, Western USA Salvationists, to receive your new leader with joy!”

Bond responded with a warm and quick humor. Explaining that her goal is to be a “vibrant, relevant mission team leader,” she introduced the other members of the team–the cabinet. “They call this a ‘kiddie cabinet’,” she stated with a smile. “That shows how far behind we are in The Salvation Army when 55-56 year-olds are ‘kids’.”

Burrows then installed Lt. Colonels Donald and Debora Bell. As she installed Colonel Don Bell, she said, “You are not the CEO of a major corporation, but you are second in command of God’s Army in the West.”

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