It’s white ribbons Oct. 28-Nov. 4

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The White Ribbon Against Pornography has been an annual campaign for over a dozen years. This is one of the campaigns the Western Territory supports and for which it encourages soldier/officer and corps participation.

Why is it important that we as Christians take a stand against pornography? Because pornography recognizes few standards and caters to the perverse tastes of its clientele. Pornography is recognized as the springboard for child abuse, spousal abuse, sexual harassment, domestic violence, rape, incest and sexual trafficking.

Pornography is not about sex, but about dominance, brutality and abuse. Pornography is addictive. Pornography is invasive. Pornography is not a standard for Christians.

In our territorial vision statement we are called upon “to be a church that is relevant and vibrant. Our unswerving commitment will be to maintain a standard of excellence in our work and in our service.” The Western Territory has had an unswerving commitment to this campaign. Last year, over three-fourths of the corps participating felt they made a significant contribution to the fight against pornography. Soldiers were committed to providing information, educating individuals, and helping to protect our children from the images of pornography.

What can you do to help in the fight against pornography? The Western Territory has purchased over 20,000 white ribbons to wear as a sign that we stand against pornography. Wearing the white ribbon alone will do nothing. But talking to people about why you wear the white ribbon will be a start. It will take courage, and it will begin to help tell the story.

You can also avoid places that sell or rent pornographic materials such as books or videos or even magazines. One divisional headquarters made a difference by writing a store owner and telling him why they would no longer frequent his video rental store. After a number of letters, the store owner decided it wasn’t worth renting pornographic videos and stopped. Our Army’s action made a difference.

You can talk to your teens and children and tell them how to protect themselves from unacceptable materials found on television, in reading materials and even on the Internet. Spend time with your children while they are on the Internet and monitor their computer use. Child molesters are known to use the Internet to look for victims. Don’t leave your child unprotected.

Preach and teach against pornography. Think it won’t make a difference? Then think again. During one campaign a couple in the corps surrendered their pornographic hobby to the Lord after listening to the officer preach against it. At another corps, two young people decided to keep their relationships pure because they believed that God called them to a higher standard after they took part in a discussion on sexuality and pornography. Our people are listening and they want to be pure and to live by a higher standard.

Won’t you join us this year and make a difference in this fight? One person can take a stand, one person can have a voice, but together we can make a mighty statement and help in the fight against pornography.

If you want more information and materials please contact your local divisional Current Issues representative. They will be happy to provide you with materials and more information. And don’t forget to wear your white ribbon!

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