Translations available during Commissioning Weekend

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Commissioning 2001 is coming up fast. Start making your plans now to attend this annual highlight of the Army’s calendar. Reflecting the diverse linguistic and cultural groups among which The Salvation Army ministers, we want all Salvationists to be able to attend Commissioning regardless of their primary language. Accordingly, we will provide free translations in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Laotian for the Sunday meetings.

A Christian Education Summit will take place on Saturday, June 16, 2001. Seminars will include: Leading Youth Into the Heart of Worship, Teaching the Youth of Today, Walk Through the Bible, Contagious Christianity, Alpha Course, and Creative Ministries. Translations in non-English languages will be available based on the pre-registration choices. So be sure to indicate your preferred language on your pre-registration form.

Also, be sure to come and support the cadets as they are ordained as officers on Sunday morning, June 17. You will also want to witness the excitement as the new captains receive their first appointments on Sunday afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you at Commissioning. Please pick up your headset and songsheet in the foyer of the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts prior to each meeting.

Come and participate in Commissioning in your own language!

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