Camp Mt. Crags Hosts WMI ’99

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by Martin Hunt – 

WMI 1999, under the leadership of Ivor and Janette Bosanko, was held this year at Camp Mt. Crags in the Santa Monica Mountains, with the theme, “Bind us Together, Lord.”

The dynamic personalities of special guests Majors Dick and Vibeke Krommenhoek (Denmark) captivated students and faculty members. Major Dick Krom-menhoek led the WMI band and chorus to very high levels of musicianship. Major Vibeke Krommenhoek taught the drama elective which, combined with the contemporary vocal elective, presented “Nothing as Precious.”

The Sunday morning worship service was led by Captain Edward “Dusty” Hill, a student at WMI for many years. The service included Ivor Bosanko’s duet “I’ll Not Turn Back” by B/M Chris Mallett and Major Terry Camsey. This led into Hill’s sermon as he encouraged everyone not only to run the race, but to run with our eyes fixed clearly on the goal.

WMI chaplains Captains George and Jeannie Baker (DYS Southern California) shared a thought on the theme each day.

WMI Alumnus David Dunford had shown his incredible skills with the piano. On Tuesday night 19 young Salvationists bravely performed solos, showing they have been given tremendous encouragement by their leaders. The mid-week brass and vocal night was led by Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef, who gave tremendous support throughout the week.

At the final devotional service, led by the Krommenhoeks, students and faculty knelt at a central cross of lit candles and committed themselves to be bound to the Lord with an unbreakable cord.

The final concert was to be held at Pepperdine University. However, a broken water main on the campus caused the relocation of the concert to the camp and delayed many guests’ arrival.

The equal choruses were led by Envoy Nigel Cross and Songster Leader Janette Bosanko. Major Diane O’Brien (CFOT) was responsible for the WMI timbrels and the girls’ chorus, who sang Leslie Condon’s “The Love of My Lord.”

Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock, secretary for Program,was on hand to present the Stillwell Award to Amber Sullins of Phoenix Citadel and the Crestmont Award to San Diego Citadel. As the sounds of the Leidzen classic, “The Call,” faded, the WMI chorus presented Norman Bearcroft’s beautiful setting of a Catherine Baird poem “Reflections.”

The whole WMI experience was brought to a climax as the WMI band presented Robert Redhead’s “Corpus Christi,” which incorporated the theme for the week.

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