Luttrell – I.S. – London as Commissioner Needham – Named West’s Chief

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Bill and Gwen Luttrell

Philip and Keitha Needham

Administrative Moves To Be Effective August 1

CRESTMONT (May 20, 1999)– Commissioner David Edwards, territorial commander, announced on behalf of the General today appointments of Colonels Bill and Gwen Luttrell to International Headquarters as International Secretary for the Americas and Caribbean and Zonal Secretary for Women’s Organizations with promotion to the rank of Commissioner effective August 3 and 4 respectively. He currently serves as Chief Secretary and she serves as Territorial Secretary for Women’s Organizations.

Additionally, Edwards an-nounced the appointments of Colonels Philip and Keitha Needham as the Luttrells replacements as the West’s Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Organizations. They currently serve as leaders at the International College for Officers (ICO) in London.

The Luttrells, both of whom have degrees in Sociology from California State University, Long Beach, have served throughout all their officership years in the West in a number of corps and administrative appointments. They assumed their current responsibilities in 1998.

Luttrell will join seven other International Secretaries as part of the General’s International Strategic Planning and Manage-ment Council. In that capacity he will represent to the General the issues and activities of the 10 territories and one command within this region. Commis-sioner Alex Hughes, currently in that position, will replace General-elect John Gowans as United Kingdom Territorial Commander.

Luttrell stated: “We are filled with mixed emotions. We appreciate the confidence of Army leadership in us–we will do our best. To live in London will be a great joy! We thankGod for all the Western Territory has contributed to our lives. We are grateful to God for his continual grace and provisions. He has been our strength and sufficiency in days past, and we will continue to rely on him in the days to come.”

The Needhams come to the West having gained many friends through their work at the ICO, their participation in various congresses and forums over the years, their extensive publications in the War Cry and The Officer, and his book Community in Mission. He has an earned doctorate in Ministry.

Additional Officer Moves

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