The Program

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All workshops are offered in three versions, relating to three sizes of communities: small (less than 100,000), medium (100,000-500,000) and large (above 500,000).

Energizing Your Advisory Board

The process of turning community leaders into Army activists is a continuing challenge. Learn how to share the Salvation Army vision and vitality with your local advisory board members in ways that will take them from the letterhead to the front lines of service.

Creative Community Relations

Share the mission of the Army by learning key techniques for turning talking heads into talking points for your community’s agenda. See the key relationship between effective community relations and a truly involved community, demonstrated by experienced Salvation Army professionals.

Financing the Future

Learn how to deepen your “kettle” with financing methods for the new millennium. With more causes competing for each donated dollar, efficient and effective fund raising and stewardship become more important every day We’ll show you some techniques that will work today–and tomorrow.

Programs of Promise

From Las Vegas to Wichita to Syracuse, discover innovative, proven methods from the people who made them work. Learn how to tailor your programs for the unique character and special needs of your community.

Successful Service Units

In small towns as well as large, The Salvation Army is about service. By learning from the successes of others in service unit communities, you’ll glean new approaches for providing compassionate, effective, long lasting service in ways that truly affect the lives of the people you serve.

Officer Outreach Opportunities

Salvation Army officers: What do your community and advisory board expect from you? Do you have the leadership and vision necessary to move your board forward? Mr. B. Franklin Skinner, drawing upon a deep and rich experience as a local and national board chairman, will challenge every officer present in a no-holds-barred session. All officers are expected to attend this session.

Women’s Auxiliary

“Chicken Soup for an Auxiliary Soul” will focus on fund raising for small auxiliaries. Presented by the Central Territory, Lt. Colonel Eunice Herndon.

“Where’s the Money-Fund Raising With Finesse” is designed for larger auxiliaries looking for successful and profitable fund-raising techniques and strategies. Presented by the Western territory, Lt. Colonel Carolyn Peacock.

“M and M’s of Sweet Success–Membership and Mentoring” will feature Margot Perot, Dallas, Texas; and Donna Holbrook, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Presented by the Southern Territory, Colonel Jacqueline Fulton.

“Challenges and Choice–Auxiliaries of the Future” will feature Betty Stallings, MSW, internationally known speaker. Presented by the Eastern Territory, Lt. Colonel Ruth Avery. The Women’s Auxiliary workshops are held in the Hilton Hotel.

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