Honolulu Auxiliary Celerates 30 Years

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HONOLULU–The Women’s Auxiliary recently celebrated 30 years of service and welcomed incoming officers during ceremonies at the Waioli Tea Room.

by Judy Lee – 

It was pearls, pearls and more pearls, as the Women’s Auxiliary of Honolulu celebrated 30 years of service and installed officers for the 1998-99 year.

Major Jan Mowery, director of Women’s Organizations, began the program by welcoming the group with pearls of celebration. Bette Stillwell gave the anniversary pearl, an account of the history and accomplishments of the organization over the last 30 years.

Captain Lani Chamness, Cathy Hayes, and Laura Luttrell-Boyer were pearls of harmony as they serenaded the guests at Waioli Tea Room. Majors Don and Jan Mowery gave “pearls of wisdom” as they recognized the past officers for their good work and installed the incoming board. Lt. Colonel Carolyn Peacock’s keynote address continued the theme with pearls of prominence.

Incoming officers are: Beverly Payne, president; Helen Richardson, 1st vice-president; Margaret Kreiger, 2nd vice-president; Mildred Jones, treasurer; Arlene Nelson, recording secretary; and Ele Frauenheim, corresponding secretary. “We are so fortunate to have these wonderful leaders in our organization,” stated Mowery.

Appreciation was given to past-President Nancy Mallonee as representatives from Family Treatment Services, the Adult Rehabilitation Center and the Auxiliary came forward to express their gratitude for her many years of service and leadership.

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