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ClassifiedCASE WORKER–for transitional living center to supervise the center and ensure program participants are provided for in a safe and secure manner; also to ensure agency requirements are met. Minimum qualifications: exp. and/or demonstrated aptitude for successful performance of transitional living center resp.; ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral communication; 1 year exp. in a human service position; high school diploma or GED; ability to work effectively with everyone in a nondiscriminatory manner, including program participants who may display a wide range of unusual behaviors; willingness to work in an alcohol and drug free environment and to take alcohol and drug tests when requested; ability to lift up to 50 lbs. Hours: full-time, regular (Wed. through Sun., 12:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or as scheduled). To apply, contact: Mr. Freeman, The Salvation Army Corps Community Center, 155 South Oak St., Ventura, CA 93002. (805) 648-5031.

YOUTH SERVICES WORKER–Roswell, NM. Corps growth grant funded 1 year + 1 year upon acceptable first year review. Schedule quite flexible, could fit college student’s schedule. Hourly rate plus SA employee benefit package. Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell campus less than 5 miles from center of town. Call Major Wm. Mulch (505) 622-8700 or write The Salvation Army. P.O. Box 897, Roswell, NM 88202. Apply now through Sept. 1. Salary and start date negotiable.

CORPS ASS’T.–Waimea Outpost, Big Island of Hawaii. Full time position opening Sept. 1, 1996, for energetic Salvationist to supervise youth programs, assist in thrift store operations, and social services, and other general duties of a corps assistant. Applicants should be mature, uniform wearing Salvationists, with experience in general corps programs and activities. Computer literacy helpful. Driver’s license a must. Resumes and inquiries regarding compensation and other information should be addressed to: Major Carol Ganot, P.O. Box 2096, Waimea, HI 96743. Ph. (808)885-0508.

SENIOR PROGRAM COORD–Modesto Citadel Corps. Salary plus benefits. Req. bilingual (Spanish); BA Behavioral Sciences or 5 yrs. related exp.; resp. to plan, develop, implement and provide casewerk svcs. for senior programs. Mail resume to: Soc. Prog. Admin., The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 1663, Modesto, CA 95353.

SOCIAL SVC DIRECTOR–Applications accepted for an experienced Social Service Director. Please send résumé to: The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 385, Cheyenne, WY 82003.

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