Some of the first-place winners won by only one or two points
The 2017 Encore Awards recognized the special talents of the youth across the Western Territory in the sixth Encore awards ceremony. International leaders General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox and territorial leaders Commissioners Kenneth G. and Jolene K. Hodder presented the awards and posed for a picture with each of the winners.
“We have enjoyed going room to room enjoying the talent of our young people,” Kenneth G. Hodder said. “Every participant should be proud of the role they played today.”
Participants had performed their acts in front of judges earlier that day and were split into solo and group performances. In each category, the kids were divided into four different levels depending on age.
Solo Performance Awardees
Percussion: Level One: Ryan Johnson, Concord Corps; Level Two: Jeremy Parks, Escondido Corps; Level Three: Andrew Tello, El Cajon Corps
Vocals solos: Level One: Nelly Vesikula, Sacramento Citadel; Level Two: Shannon Johnson, Concord Corps; Level Three: Glorianna Soriano, Seattle Temple; Level Four: Amber Kauffman, Sacramento Citadel
Instrumental: Level One: Conner Brown, Pasadena Tabernacle; Level Two: Andrew Smith, Tustin Ranch Corps; Level Three: Kaylynn Jones, Phoenix Kroc Corps; Level Four: Rhys Jones, Phoenix Kroc Corps
Piano: Level One: Janae Ruwethin, Hilio Temple Corps; Level Two: Chelsea Denney, El Cajon Corps, Level Three: Christopher Xiong, Clovis Corps; Level Four: Devin Petersen, Spokane Corps
Monologue: Monologue A: Peter Koenig, Medford Corps; Monologue B: Jacob Ferguson, Tustin Ranch Corps; Monologue C: Jacob Driskell, Santa Clara Corps
Dance Solo: Level One: Jacob Ferguson, Tustin Ranch Corps; Level Two: April Wright, Portland Tabernacle; Level Three: Vanessa Garcia, Las Cruces Corps
Group Performance Awardees
Drama Troupe: Level One: Santa Fe Corps; Level Two: Tucson AMPHI Corps
Dance Troupe: Level One: Caldwell Corps; Level Two: Kroc Center Hawaii
Timbrels: The Timbrels were divided based on one of two ensembles, “The Roll Call” and “The Witness.”
Trimbrels A (The Roll Call): Anacortes; Timbrels B (The Witness): Sacramento Citadel
The Western Territorial Women’s Ministries Department presented an additional award at the ceremony. Earlier this year, they held a broach design competition throughout the territory and named Alex Kim of the Southwestern Division the winner.
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